API Docs for: 1.4.0

Kiwi.Components.Input Class

Extends Kiwi.Component
Module: Components
Parent Module: Kiwi

The Input Component is used on GameObjects in which the user may interactive with via a Mouse or Touch and as such this class contains useful methods and callbacks you can subscribe to. By default the Input component is disabled (this is because when enabled the input component can be process intensive) but you can enabled it yourself (which is recommened) BUT in case you forget the input component will automagically be enabled once you access a Signal on this class.



  • owner
  • box
  • [enabled=false]


  • owner Object

    The Object that this Component is on. Generally this will be a Entity.

  • box Kiwi.Components.Box

    The box which contains the worldHitbox that is to be used for the event firing.

  • [enabled=false] Boolean optional

    If this input component should be enabled or not.



  • pointer

Evaluates where and what the mouse cursor is doing in relation to this box. Needs a little bit more love.



  • pointer

A private method for checking to see if a touch pointer should activate any events.



() private

The update loop that runs when the mouse manager is the method for interacting with the screen.


() private

The update loop that gets executed when the game is using the touch manager.


() public

Destroys the input.


() public

Destroys this component and all of the properties that exist on it.


() public

Disables the dragging of this entity.


  • [snapToCenter=false]
  • [distance=1]

Enables the dragging of this entity.


  • [snapToCenter=false] Boolean optional

    If when dragging the Entity should snap to the center of the pointer.

  • [distance=1] Number optional

    If when dragging the Entity should snap to numbers divisible by this amount.


() String public

Inherited from Kiwi.Component but overwritten in src\components\Input.ts:60

The type of object this input is.





() public

Components can postUpdate, that is run an update after the parent has updated. This is to be overriden by subclasses.


() public

Components can preUpdate, that is update before the parent updates. This is to be overriden by subclasses.


() protected

Inherited from Kiwi.Component but overwritten in src\components\Input.ts:494

The update loop for the input.



Kiwi.Components.Box private

The bounding box that is being used for the 'hitarea'.


Kiwi.Geom.Point private

The distance between the top left corner of this Objects parent and the coordinates of a Pointer.


Number private

This is used while dragging so that you can make the IChild 'snap' to specific numbers to give a 'grid like' effect. E.g. If you had a 32 by 32 grid down and you wanted to make an element draggable but snap to the grid you can set this to 32. Default value is one.

Default: 1


Boolean private

Indicates if dragging is currently enabled.

Default: false


Boolean private

If when dragging, the IChild should snap to the center of the pointer it is being dragged by.

Default: false


Boolean private

If this input is enabled or not.

Default: false


Kiwi.Input.Pointer private

If a pointer is current pressing down on the input, this will be a reference to that pointer. Otherwise it will be null.


Kiwi.Input.Pointer private

A reference to the pointer that is currently 'dragging' this Object. If not dragging then this is null.

Default: null


Boolean private

A boolean that indicates if no pointer is currently on the pointer

Default: true


Boolean private

If a pointer just entered the input. Used for mouse's to indicate when to appropriately fire the down event. Note: Could be removed once mouse version of update gets updated.

Default: false


Kiwi.Input.Pointer private

Temporary property that gets updated everyframe with the pointer that is currently 'down' on this entity.

Default: null


Kiwi.Input.Pointer private

Temporary property of the pointer that just started draggging the entity.

Default: null


Kiwi.Input.Pointer private

Temporary property of the pointer that is now within the bounds of the entity

Default: null


Kiwi.Input.Pointer private

Temporary property of the pointer that just left the bounds of the entity.

Default: null


Kiwi.Input.Pointer private

Temporary property that gets updated everyframe with the pointer that was just 'released' from being down on this entity

Default: null


Kiwi.Signal private

Kiwi Signal for firing callbacks when a pointer is active and has pressed down on the entity.


Kiwi.Signal private

Kiwi Signal for firing callbacks a entity starts being dragged.


Kiwi.Signal private

Kiwi Signal for firing callbacks a entity stops being dragged. Like on release.


Kiwi.Signal private

Kiwi Signal for firing callbacks when a pointer is active and has entered the entities hitbox.


Kiwi.Signal private

Kiwi Signal for firing callbacks when a pointer is active and has left the entities hit box.


Kiwi.Signal private

Kiwi Signal for firing callbacks when a pointer just released from either being above the entity or the pointer was initally pressed on it.


Boolean private

boolean indicating if every pointer is currently outside of the bounds.

Default: true


Kiwi.Geom.Circle private

A Temporary Circle object which is used whilst checking to see if there is any overlap.


Boolean private

A boolean indicating if dragging is temporarly disabled. Internal use only to stop events from misfiring.


Kiwi.Geom.Point private

A Temporary Point object which is used whilst checking to see if there is any overlap.


Kiwi.Input.Pointer private

Indicates if a pointer is within the bounds or not. If one is then it referers to the pointer that is. Other it will be null.


Boolean public

An active Component is one that has its update method called by its parent.

Default: true


Boolean deprecated public

The state of this component.

Default: false


Number public

The drag distance that is used when dragging this object. See _dragDistance for more information.


Boolean public

Get if the input is enabled or not. Note: Inputs should only be enabled when needed, otherwise unnecessary processing does occur which can result in a slower game.


Kiwi.Game public

The game this Component belongs to


Boolean public

Used to see if a pointer is currently on this input. Returns a boolean indicating either true or false. This is READ ONLY.


Boolean public

Returns a boolean indicating if this is currently dragging something. This is READ ONLY.


Boolean public

Used to see if no pointer is on this input (so it is up). This is READ ONLY.


String public

The name of this component.


Kiwi.Signal public

Returns the onDown Signal, that fires events when a pointer is pressed within the bounds of the signal. Note: Accessing this signal enables the input. This is READ ONLY.


Kiwi.Signal public

Returns the onDragStarted Signal. This is READ ONLY.


Kiwi.Signal public

Returns the onDragStopped Signal. This is READ ONLY.


Kiwi.Signal public

Returns the onEntered Signal, that fires events when a pointer enters the hitbox of a entity. Note: Accessing this signal enables the input. This is READ ONLY.


Kiwi.Signal public

Returns the onLeft Signal, that fires events when a pointer leaves the hitbox of a entity. Note: Accessing this signal enables the input. This is READ ONLY.


Kiwi.Signal public

A alias for the on press signal. This is READ ONLY.


Kiwi.Signal public

A alias for the on release signal. This is READ ONLY.


Kiwi.Signal public

Returns the onUp Signal, that fires events when a pointer is released either within the bounds or was pressed initially within the bounds.. Note: Accessing this signal enables the input. This is READ ONLY.


Boolean public

See if no pointers are within the bounds of this entity. This is READ ONLY.


Object public

The object that owns this entity


Kiwi.State public

Inherited from Kiwi.Component: src\core\Component.ts:56

Available since 1.3.1

The state which this component's owner belongs to.


Boolean public

Check to see if any pointer is within the bounds of this input. This is READ ONLY.