API Docs for: 1.4.0

Kiwi.Animations.Animation Class

Module: Animations
Parent Module: Kiwi

An Animation contains information about a single animation that is held on a AnimationManager. The information that is held is unique to this individual animation and will initially be the same as a Sequence, but if you do ever modify the information held in this Animation the corresponding Sequence will not be updated.



  • name
  • sequences
  • clock
  • parent


  • name String

    The name of this anim.

  • sequences Kiwi.Animations.Sequences

    The sequence that this anim will be using to animate.

  • clock Kiwi.Time.Clock

    A game clock that this anim will be using to keep record of the time between frames. (Deprecated in v1.2.0, because there is no way to control it.)

  • parent Kiwi.Components.AnimationManager

    The animation manager that this animation belongs to.



  • [index=null]

Start the animation.


  • [index=null] Number optional

    Index of the frame in the sequence that is to play. If left as null it just starts from where it left off.


  • frame

An internal method used to check to see if frame passed is valid or not


  • frame Number

    The index of the frame that is to be validated.


() public

Destroys the anim and all of the properties that exist on it.


() public

Makes the animation go to the next frame. If the animation is at the end it goes back to the start.


() String public

The type of object that this is.





() public

Pauses the current animation.


() public

Plays the animation.


  • index

Plays the animation at a particular frame.


  • index Number

    Index of the cell in the sequence that the animation is to start at.


() public

Makes the animation go to the previous frame. If the animation is at the first frame it goes to the end.


() public

Resumes the current animation after stopping.


() public

Stops the current animation from playing.


() public

The update loop.



Kiwi.Time.Clock private

The clock that is to be used to calculate the animations.


Number private

The current frame index that the animation is currently upto. Note: A frame index is the index of a particular cell in the Sequence.


Boolean private

Whether the animation is currently playing or not.

Default: false


Number private

Defined in src\animations\Animation.ts:339

Available since 1.2.0

Clock time on last frame, used to compute current animation frame.


Boolean private

If this animation should loop or not.


Kiwi.Signal private

Defined in src\animations\Animation.ts:316

Available since 1.2.0

A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has come to the end of the animation but is not going to play again.


Kiwi.Signal private

A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has come to the end of the animation and is going to play again.


Kiwi.Signal private

A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has started playing.


Signal private

A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has stopped playing.


Kiwi.Signal private

A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has updated/changed frameIndexs.


Kiwi.Components.AnimationManager private

The AnimationManager that this animation is a child of.


Boolean private

Indicates whether the animation is playing in reverse or not.


Kiwi.Animations.Sequence private

The sequence on the texture atlas that this animation is based off.


Number private

How fast the transition is between cells. Perhaps change to frames per second to reflect actual game speed?


Number private

The starting time of the animation from when it was played. Internal use only.


Number deprecated private

Defined in src\animations\Animation.ts:208

Deprecated: Different private time management systems implemented in v1.2.0

The time at which the animation should change to the next cell


Kiwi.Time.Clock public

Defined in src\animations\Animation.ts:164

Available since 1.2.0

Clock used by this Animation. If it was not set on creation, the Animation will use its parent's entity's clock.


Number public

Returns the current cell that the animation is up to. This is READ ONLY.


Number public

The current frame index that the animation is currently upto. Note: A frame index is the index of a particular cell in the Sequence.

As of v1.3.0, this property will work properly with floating-point values. They will be rounded down and stored as integers.


Boolean public

Whether the animation is currently playing or not. Read-only.


Number public

Returns the number of frames that in the animation. Thus the animations 'length'. Note this is READ ONLY.


Boolean public

If once the animation reaches the end, it should start again from the first cell in the sequence or not.


String public

The name of this animation.


Kiwi.Signal public

Defined in src\animations\Animation.ts:326

Available since 1.2.0

A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has come to the end of the animation but is not going to play again.


Kiwi.Signal public

A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has come to the end of the animation and is going to play again.


Kiwi.Signal public

A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has started playing.


Signal public

A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has stopped playing.


Kiwi.Signal public

A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has updated/changed frameIndexs.


Boolean public

Whether the animation is to be played in reverse.


Number public

How long the each cell should stay on screen for. In seconds.