API Docs for: 1.4.0

Kiwi.HUD.Widget.Bar Class

Module: Widget
Parent Module: HUD

Used for displaying of information in a bar like of format. Example: Amount of health remaining for a character. This class creates a 'innerbar' div inside of its main container which you can apply styles to. You can control the minimum/maximum and current values of the bar through the Counter widget.



  • game
  • current
  • max
  • x
  • y
  • [width=120]
  • [height=20]
  • [color='#000']


  • game Kiwi.Game

    The game that this bar belongs to.

  • current Number

    The current value of the bar.

  • max Number

    The maximum value that there can be.

  • x Number

    The coordinates of this widget on the x-axis.

  • y Number

    The cooridnates of this widget on the y-axis.

  • [width=120] Number optional

    The width of the widget. Defaults to 120.

  • [height=20] Number optional

    The height of the widget. Defaults to 20.

  • [color='#000'] String optional

    The default color of the inner bar. Defaults to #000 (black).



() public


() String public

Inherited from Kiwi.HUD.HUDWidget but overwritten in src\hud\widgets\Bar.ts:56

Returns the type of object that this is.





() public

Inherited from Kiwi.HUD.HUDWidget but overwritten in src\hud\widgets\Bar.ts:196

Used to remove any the template HTML from this HUDWidget. Current not supported.


  • main
  • innerbar

Inherited from Kiwi.HUD.HUDWidget but overwritten in src\hud\widgets\Bar.ts:175

This method is used to remove existing DOM elements and place them inside a HUDWidget's container element. Useful so that when making HUD Widgets the developer can style HUDWidgets without having to create/write to much javascript. Currently not supported.


  • main String

    ID of an HTMLElement. This element should contain all of the elements you would like to place inside the HUDWidget.

  • innerbar String

    ID of an HTMLElement that resides inside of the main param. This is the element that the HUDWidget can use to populate with information. E.g. Your score, health remaining, the icon, e.t.c.


() public

The game update loop.


() public

Will be called when the range has been updated and thus you will want to preform the render of the bar here. This should be overriden by subclasses so that you have your own custom bars.



HTMLElement private

A reference to the HTMLElement that this class always generates.


_device protected

The type of device that this game is being targeted at. Same as the deviceTargetOption on the game class. Used to detirmine how the HUD is to be managed behind the scenes. This is mainly indented for INTERNAL Kiwi use only and is public so that sub classes can have a reference to it.


Number private

The height of the container


Boolean private

Knows if this bar is ment to be horizontal or veritical


String protected

Inherited from Kiwi.HUD.HUDWidget: src\hud\HUDWidget.ts:296

Available since 1.3.0

Contains the current CSS style that will used for the x position. Should either be LEFT or RIGHT but these values are not checked upon assignment.

Default: 'left'


Kiwi.HUD.HUDManager protected

The HUDManager that this widget 'belongs' to. This is mainly indented for INTERNAL Kiwi use only and is public so that sub classes can have a reference to it.


HTMLElement private

The container element for the template Currently doesn't have that great support.


HTMLElement private

The parent of the template container. So that when removing a template we can place it in the right spot Currently doesn't have that great support.


String protected

Inherited from Kiwi.HUD.HUDWidget: src\hud\HUDWidget.ts:333

Available since 1.3.0

Contains the current CSS style that will used for the y position. Should either be TOP or BOTTOM but these values are not checked upon assignment.

Default: 'top'


Number private

The width of the container


Number private

The x coordinate of the widget


Number private

The y coordinate of the widget


HTMLElement public

The HTMLElement that is currently being used as the 'bar'.


String public

The class name/s that the container element that this HUDWidget current has.


Kiwi.ComponentManager public

The list of components that the HUDWidget use's.


Kiwi.HUD.HUDComponents.Counter public

The counter component.


Kiwi.Game public

The game that this HUDWidget belongs to.


Number public

The height of the container


Boolean public

Used to set the bar to be horizontal or vertical by passing a boolean.


String public

Inherited from Kiwi.HUD.HUDWidget: src\hud\HUDWidget.ts:308

Available since 1.3.0

Contains the current CSS style that will used for the x position. Should either be LEFT or RIGHT but these values are not checked upon assignment.

Default: 'left'

HTMLDivElement public

Inherited from Kiwi.HUD.HUDWidget but overwritten in src\hud\HUDWidget.ts:170

The HTMLDivElement that this widget is using.


Kiwi.Signal public

Called when the coordinates of the HUD Widget updates.


Any public

A quick way to reference the style object that exists on the container element of this widget.


HTMLElement public

When a template has been set, this property will have a reference to the HTMLElement we can place the HUDWidget information into. Currently doesn't have that great support.


String public

Inherited from Kiwi.HUD.HUDWidget: src\hud\HUDWidget.ts:345

Available since 1.3.0

Contains the current CSS style that will used for the y position. Should either be TOP or BOTTOM but these values are not checked upon assignment.

Default: 'top'


Boolean public

Used to set the bar to be horizontal or vertical by passing a boolean.


Number public

The width of the container


Number public

Get the x coordinate of the widget


Number public

Get the y coordinate of the widget