API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\animations\Animation.ts

* Is the namespace in which all code that is used to create/provide an animation of various sorts are stored. These could range from animations that change the cell of a SpriteSheet that is displayed every few seconds (Animation/Sequence), to animations that change a numeric value on a object over a period time (Tweens).
* @module Kiwi
* @submodule Animations 
* @main Animations 

module Kiwi.Animations {

	* An Animation contains information about a single animation that is held on a AnimationManager. 
	* The information that is held is unique to this individual animation and will initially be the same as a Sequence,
	* but if you do ever modify the information held in this Animation the corresponding Sequence will not be updated.
	* @class Animation
	* @namespace Kiwi.Animations
	* @constructor
	* @param name {string} The name of this anim.
	* @param sequences {Kiwi.Animations.Sequences} The sequence that this anim will be using to animate.
	* @param clock {Kiwi.Time.Clock} A game clock that this anim will be using to keep record of the time between frames. (Deprecated in v1.2.0, because there is no way to control it.)
	* @param parent {Kiwi.Components.AnimationManager} The animation manager that this animation belongs to.
	* @return {Kiwi.Animations.Animation} 
	export class Animation {

		constructor(name: string, sequence: Kiwi.Animations.Sequence, clock: Kiwi.Time.Clock, parent: Kiwi.Components.AnimationManager) {
			this.name = name;
			this._sequence = sequence;
			this._speed = sequence.speed;
			this._loop = sequence.loop;
			this._parent = parent;

			this._clock = clock;

			this._lastFrameElapsed = this.clock.elapsed();

		* The type of object that this is.
		* @method objType
		* @return {String} "Animation"
		* @public
		public objType(): string {
			return "Animation";

		* The AnimationManager that this animation is a child of.
		* @property _parent
		* @type Kiwi.Components.AnimationManager
		* @private
		private _parent: Kiwi.Components.AnimationManager;

		* The name of this animation.
		* @property name
		* @type string
		* @public
		public name: string;

		* The sequence on the texture atlas that this animation is based off.
		* @property _sequence
		* @type Kiwi.Animations.Sequence
		* @private
		private _sequence: Kiwi.Animations.Sequence;

		* If this animation should loop or not.
		* @property _loop
		* @type boolean
		* @private
		private _loop: boolean;

		* If once the animation reaches the end, it should start again from the first cell in the sequence or not.
		* @property loop
		* @type boolean
		* @public
		public get loop(): boolean {
			return this._loop;
		public set loop(value: boolean) {
			this._loop = value;

		* The current frame index that the animation is currently upto.
		* Note: A frame index is the index of a particular cell in the Sequence.
		* @property _frameIndex
		* @type number
		* @private
		private _frameIndex: number = 0;

		* The current frame index that the animation is currently upto.
		* Note: A frame index is the index of a particular cell in the Sequence.
		* As of v1.3.0, this property will work properly with floating-point
		* values. They will be rounded down and stored as integers.
		* @property frameIndex
		* @type number
		* @public
		public get frameIndex(): number {
			return this._frameIndex;
		public set frameIndex(val: number) {
			val = Math.floor( val );
			if (this._validateFrame(val)) {
				this._frameIndex = val;

		* Returns the current cell that the animation is up to. This is READ ONLY.
		* @property currentCell
		* @type number
		* @public
		public get currentCell(): number {
			return this._sequence.cells[ this.frameIndex ];

		* How fast the transition is between cells. Perhaps change to frames per second to reflect actual game speed?
		* @property _speed
		* @type number
		* @private
		private _speed: number;

		* How long the each cell should stay on screen for. In seconds.
		* @property speed
		* @type number
		* @public
		public get speed(): number {
			return this._speed;
		public set speed(value: number) {
			this._speed = value;

		* The clock that is to be used to calculate the animations.
		* @property _clock
		* @type Kiwi.Time.Clock
		* @private
		private _clock: Kiwi.Time.Clock;

		* Clock used by this Animation. If it was not set on creation,
		* the Animation will use its parent's entity's clock.
		* @property clock
		* @type Kiwi.Time.Clock
		* @public
		* @since 1.2.0
		public get clock(): Kiwi.Time.Clock {
			if ( this._clock ) {
				return this._clock;
			return this._parent.entity.clock;

		* The starting time of the animation from when it was played. Internal use only.
		* @property _startTime
		* @type number
		* @private
		private _startTime: number = null;
		* Indicates whether the animation is playing in reverse or not.
		* @property _reverse
		* @type boolean
		* @private
		private _reverse: boolean = false;

		* Whether the animation is to be played in reverse.
		* @property reverse
		* @type boolean
		* @public
		public set reverse(value: boolean) {
			this._reverse = value;
		public get reverse(): boolean {
			return this._reverse;

		* The time at which the animation should change to the next cell 
		* @property _tick
		* @type number
		* @private
		* @deprecated Different private time management systems implemented in v1.2.0
		private _tick: number;

		* Whether the animation is currently playing or not.
		* @property _isPlaying
		* @type boolean
		* @default false
		* @private
		private _isPlaying: boolean = false;

		* Whether the animation is currently playing or not. Read-only.
		* @property isPlaying
		* @type boolean
		* @public
		public get isPlaying(): boolean {
			return this._isPlaying;

		* A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has stopped playing.
		* @property _onStop
		* @type Signal
		* @private
		private _onStop: Kiwi.Signal = null;

		* A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has stopped playing.
		* @property onStop
		* @type Signal
		* @public
		public get onStop(): Kiwi.Signal {
			if (this._onStop == null) this._onStop = new Kiwi.Signal; 
			return this._onStop;

		* A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has started playing.
		* @property _onPlay
		* @type Kiwi.Signal
		* @private
		private _onPlay: Kiwi.Signal = null;

		* A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has started playing.
		* @property onPlay
		* @type Kiwi.Signal
		* @public
		public get onPlay(): Kiwi.Signal {
			if (this._onPlay == null) this._onPlay = new Kiwi.Signal;
			return this._onPlay;

		* A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has updated/changed frameIndexs.
		* @property _onUpdate
		* @type Kiwi.Signal
		* @private
		private _onUpdate: Kiwi.Signal = null;

		* A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has updated/changed frameIndexs.
		* @property onUpdate
		* @type Kiwi.Signal
		* @public
		public get onUpdate(): Kiwi.Signal {
			if (this._onUpdate == null) this._onUpdate = new Kiwi.Signal;
			return this._onUpdate;

		* A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has come to the end of the animation and is going to play again.
		* @property _onLoop
		* @type Kiwi.Signal
		* @private
		private _onLoop: Kiwi.Signal = null;

		* A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has come to the end of the animation and is going to play again.
		* @property onLoop
		* @type Kiwi.Signal
		* @public
		public get onLoop(): Kiwi.Signal {
			if (this._onLoop == null) this._onLoop = new Kiwi.Signal;
			return this._onLoop;

		* A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has come to
		* the end of the animation but is not going to play again.
		* @property _onComplete
		* @type Kiwi.Signal
		* @private
		* @since 1.2.0
		private _onComplete: Kiwi.Signal = null;

		* A Kiwi.Signal that dispatches an event when the animation has come to
		* the end of the animation but is not going to play again.
		* @property onComplete
		* @type Kiwi.Signal
		* @public
		* @since 1.2.0
		public get onComplete(): Kiwi.Signal {
			if (this._onComplete == null) this._onComplete = new Kiwi.Signal;
			return this._onComplete;

		* Clock time on last frame, used to compute current animation frame.
		* @property _lastFrameElapsed
		* @type number
		* @private
		* @since 1.2.0
		private _lastFrameElapsed: number;

		* Start the animation.
		* @method _start
		* @param [index=null] {number} Index of the frame in the sequence that
		*	is to play. If left as null it just starts from where it left off.
		* @private
		private _start(index: number = null) {
			if (index !== null) {
				this.frameIndex = index;

			// If the animation is out of range then start it at the beginning
			if ( this.frameIndex >= this.length - 1 || this.frameIndex < 0 ) {
				this.frameIndex = 0;

			this._isPlaying = true;
			this._startTime = this.clock.elapsed();
			this._lastFrameElapsed = this.clock.elapsed();
			if ( this._onPlay !== null ) {

		* Plays the animation.
		* @method play
		* @public
		public play() {
			this.playAt( this._frameIndex );

		* Plays the animation at a particular frame.
		* @method playAt
		* @param index {number} Index of the cell in the sequence that the
		*	animation is to start at.
		* @public
		public playAt( index: number ) {
			this._start( index );

		* Pauses the current animation.
		* @method pause
		* @public
		public pause() {

		* Resumes the current animation after stopping.
		* @method resume
		* @public
		public resume() {
			if (this._startTime !== null) { 
				this._isPlaying = true;

		* Stops the current animation from playing.
		* @method stop
		* @public
		public stop() {
			if (this._isPlaying) {
				this._isPlaying = false; 
				if(this._onStop !== null) this._onStop.dispatch();

		* Makes the animation go to the next frame. If the animation is at the end it goes back to the start.
		* @method nextFrame
		* @public
		public nextFrame() {
			if (this._frameIndex >= this.length) this.frameIndex = 0;

		* Makes the animation go to the previous frame. If the animation is at the first frame it goes to the end.
		* @method prevFrame
		* @public
		public prevFrame() {
			if (this._frameIndex < 0) this.frameIndex = this.length - 1;

		* The update loop.
		* @method update
		* @public
		public update() {
			var frameDelta, i, repeats;

			if ( this._isPlaying ) {
				// How many frames do we move, ahead or behind?
				frameDelta = ( ( this.clock.elapsed() -
					this._lastFrameElapsed ) / this._speed ) % ( this.length + 1 );
				if ( this._reverse ) {
					frameDelta *= -1;

				// Round delta, towards zero
				if ( frameDelta > 0 ) {
					frameDelta = Math.floor( frameDelta );
				} else {
					frameDelta = Math.ceil( frameDelta );

				if ( frameDelta !== 0 ) {

					this._frameIndex += frameDelta;
					this._lastFrameElapsed = this.clock.elapsed();

					// Loop check
					if ( this._loop ) {
						if ( this._frameIndex >= this.length ) {

							repeats = Math.floor(
								this._frameIndex / this.length );

							this._frameIndex = this._frameIndex % this.length;

							if ( this._onLoop != null ) {
								for ( i = 0; i < repeats; i++ ) {

						} else if ( this._frameIndex < 0 ) {

							repeats = Math.ceil(
								Math.abs( this._frameIndex ) / this.length );

							this._frameIndex = ( this.length +
								this._frameIndex % this.length ) % this.length;

							if ( this._onLoop != null ) {
								for ( i = 0; i < repeats; i++ ) {
					} else if ( this._frameIndex < 0 ) {
						this._frameIndex = ( this.length +
							this._frameIndex % this.length ) % this.length;

						// Execute the stop on the parent 
						// to allow the isPlaying boolean to remain consistent

					} else if ( this._frameIndex >= this.length ) {
						this._frameIndex = this._frameIndex % this.length;

						// Execute the stop on the parent 
						// to allow the isPlaying boolean to remain consistent

						if ( this._onComplete != null ) {


					if ( this._onUpdate !== null ) {

		* An internal method used to check to see if frame passed is valid or not
		* @method _validateFrame
		* @param frame {Number} The index of the frame that is to be validated.
		* @private
		private _validateFrame(frame: number) {
			return (frame < this.length && frame >= 0);
		* Returns the number of frames that in the animation. Thus the animations 'length'. Note this is READ ONLY.
		* @property length
		* @type number
		* @public
		public get length():number {
			return this._sequence.cells.length;

		* Destroys the anim and all of the properties that exist on it.
		* @method destroy
		* @public
		public destroy() {
			this._isPlaying = false;
			delete this._clock;
			delete this._sequence;
			delete this._parent;
			if(this._onLoop) this._onLoop.dispose();
			if(this._onStop) this._onStop.dispose();
			if(this._onPlay) this._onPlay.dispose();
			if(this._onUpdate) this._onUpdate.dispose();
			delete this._onLoop;
			delete this._onStop ;
			delete this._onPlay ;
			delete this._onUpdate ;
			delete this.frameIndex ;
			delete this.loop;
			delete this._reverse;
			delete this._tick;