API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\components\ArcadePhysics.ts

* @module Kiwi
* @submodule Components 

module Kiwi.Components {

	* Arcade Physics is an Optional Component that can be used when you are wanting to do basic physics collisions. 
	* These have been ported from Flixel, so most function operate identically to the original flixel functions, though some
	* have been split into multiple functions. Generally where functions originally accepted
	* either groups or gameobjects within the same argument, the ported functions one or the other.
	* http://www.flixel.org/
	* http://www.adamatomic.com/
	* @class ArcadePhysics
	* @constructor
	* @namespace Kiwi.Components
	* @param entity {Kiwi.Entity} The Entity that this ArcadePhysics should be used on.
	* @param box {Kiwi.Components.Box} The box component that holds the hitbox that should be used when resolving and calculating collisions.
	* @return {Kiwi.Components.ArcadePhysics}
	* @extends Kiwi.Component
	* @author Adam 'Atomic' Saltsman, Flixel
	export class ArcadePhysics extends Kiwi.Component {

		constructor(entity:Kiwi.Entity, box?: Kiwi.Components.Box) {

			this.parent = entity;
			this.box = box;
			this.transform = this.parent.transform;

			this.last = new Kiwi.Geom.Point(this.transform.worldX, this.transform.worldY);
			this.mass = 1.0;
			this.elasticity = 0.0;

			this.immovable = false;
			this.moves = true;

			this.touching = ArcadePhysics.NONE;
			this.wasTouching = ArcadePhysics.NONE;
			this.allowCollisions = ArcadePhysics.ANY;

			this.velocity = new Kiwi.Geom.Point();
			this.acceleration = new Kiwi.Geom.Point();
			this.drag = new Kiwi.Geom.Point();
			this.maxVelocity = new Kiwi.Geom.Point(10000, 10000);

			this.angularVelocity = 0;
			this.angularAcceleration = 0;
			this.angularDrag = 0;
			this.maxAngular = 10000;

		* The transform component of the entity that the ArcadePhysics is a part of.
		* @property transform
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Transform
		* @public
		public transform: Kiwi.Geom.Transform;

		* The bounding box component that the collisions are going to be based off.
		* You can modify the 'hitbox' of that component to modify the collision area.
		* @property box
		* @type Kiwi.Components.Box
		* @public
		public box: Kiwi.Components.Box;

		* Whether an object will move/alter position after a collision.
		* @property immovable
		* @type boolean
		* @public
		public immovable: boolean;

		* The basic speed of this object.
		* You can modify the values contained inside this Object to change the speed.
		* @property velocity
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @public
		public velocity: Kiwi.Geom.Point;

		* The virtual mass of the object. Default value is 1.
		* Currently only used with <code>elasticity</code> during collision resolution.
		* Change at your own risk; effects seem crazy unpredictable so far!
		* @property mass
		* @type number
		* @public
		public mass: number;

		* The bounciness of this object.  Only affects collisions.  Default value is 0, or "not bouncy at all."
		* @property elasticity
		* @type number
		* @public
		public elasticity: number;

		* How fast the speed of this object is changing.
		* Useful for smooth movement and gravity.
		* @property acceleration
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @public
		public acceleration: Kiwi.Geom.Point;

		* This isn't drag exactly, more like deceleration that is only applied
		* when acceleration is not affecting the sprite.
		* @property drag
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @public
		public drag: Kiwi.Geom.Point;

		* If you are using <code>acceleration</code>, you can use <code>maxVelocity</code> with it
		* to cap the speed automatically (very useful!).
		* @property maxVelocity
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @public
		public maxVelocity: Kiwi.Geom.Point;

		* This is how fast you want this sprite to spin.
		* @property angularVelocity
		* @type number
		* @public
		public angularVelocity: number;

		* How fast the spin speed should change.
		* @property angularAcceleration
		* @type number
		* @public
		public angularAcceleration: number;

		* Like <code>drag</code> but for spinning.
		* @property angularDrag
		* @type number
		* @public
		public angularDrag: number;

		* Use in conjunction with <code>angularAcceleration</code> for fluid spin speed control.
		* @property maxAngular
		* @type number
		* @public
		public maxAngular: number;

		* If the Entity that this component is a part of 'moves' or not, and thus if the physics should update the motion should update each frame.
		* @property moves
		* @type boolean
		* @default true
		* @public
		public moves: boolean;

		* Bit field of flags (use with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, etc) indicating surface contacts.
		* Use bitwise operators to check the values stored here, or use touching(), justStartedTouching(), etc.
		* You can even use them broadly as boolean values if you're feeling saucy!
		* @property touching
		* @type number
		* @public
		public touching: number;

		* Bit field of flags (use with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, etc) indicating surface contacts from the previous game loop step.
		* Use bitwise operators to check the values stored here, or use isTouching().
		* You can even use them broadly as boolean values if you're feeling saucy!
		* @property wasTouching
		* @type number
		* @public
		public wasTouching: number;

		* Bit field of flags (use with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, etc) indicating collision directions.
		* Use bitwise operators to check the values stored here.
		* Useful for things like one-way platforms (e.g. allowCollisions = UP)
		* The accessor "solid" just flips this variable between NONE and ANY.
		* @property allowCollisions
		* @type number
		* @public
		public allowCollisions: number;

		* Important variable for collision processing.
		* Tracks the last location of the Entity. This is set during the time this method 'updates'.
		* @property last
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @public
		public last: Kiwi.Geom.Point;

		* A boolean to indicate if this object is solid or not.
		* @property _solid
		* @type boolean
		* @private
		private _solid: boolean;

		* A function that is to execute when this object overlaps with another.
		* @property _callbackFunction
		* @type Function
		* @default null
		* @private
		private _callbackFunction: any = null;

		* The context that the callback method should have when it executes.
		* @property _callbackContext
		* @type Any
		* @private
		private _callbackContext: any = null;

		* Returns a boolean indicating whether the or not the object is currently colliding on a particular side that is passed.
		* Use the collision constants (like LEFT, FLOOR, e.t.c) when passing sides.
		* @method isTouching
		* @param value [number] The collision constant of the side you want to check against.
		* @return {boolean} If the Object is currently colliding on that side or not.
		* @public
		public isTouching(value: number): boolean {
			return (this.touching & value) == value;

		* Whether the object should collide with other objects or not.  
		* For more control over what directions the object will collide from, use collision constants (like LEFT, FLOOR, etc)
		* and set the value of allowCollisions directly.
		* @method solid
		* @param [value] {boolean} If left empty, this will then just toggle between ANY and NONE.
		* @return {boolean} If Object is currently solid or not.
		* @public
		public solid(value?: boolean): boolean {
			if (value !== undefined) {
				if (value)
					this.allowCollisions = ArcadePhysics.ANY;
					this.allowCollisions = ArcadePhysics.NONE;

			 return (this.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.ANY) > ArcadePhysics.NONE;

		* Sets up a callback function that will run when this object overlaps with another.
		* When the method is dispatched it will have TWO arguments.
		* One - The parent / entity of this ArcadePhysics.
		* Two - The GameObject that the collision occured with.
		* @method setCallback
		* @param callbackFunction {Function} The method that is to be executed whe a overlap occurs.
		* @param callbackContext {Any} The context that the method is to be called in.
		* @public
		public setCallback(callbackFunction, callbackContext) {
			this._callbackFunction = callbackFunction;
			this._callbackContext = callbackContext;

		* Returns the parent of this entity. Mainly used for executing callbacks.
		* @property parent
		* @type Kiwi.Entity
		* @public
		public parent: Kiwi.Entity;

		* Sets the parent's rotation to be equal to the trajectory of the
		* velocity of the physics component. Note that rotation 0 corresponds
		* to pointing directly to the right.
		* @method rotateToVelocity
		* @return {number} New rotation value
		* @public
		* @since 1.3.0
		public rotateToVelocity (): number {

			var result: number = Math.atan2( this.velocity.y, this.velocity.x );

			this.transform.rotation = result;

			return result;


		* Seperation Code

		* A static method for seperating two normal GameObjects on both the X and Y Axis's. 
		* Both objects need to have both an ArcadePhysics Component and a Box component in order for the separate process to succeed.
		* This method is not recommended to be directly used but instead use a 'collide/overlaps' method instead.
		* @method seperate
		* @static
		* @param object1 {Kiwi.Entity} The first GameObject you would like to seperate.
		* @param object2 {Kiwi.Entity} The second GameObject you would like to seperate from the first. 
		* @return {boolean}
		* @public
		public static separate(object1: Kiwi.Entity, object2: Kiwi.Entity): boolean {
			var separatedX: boolean = this.separateX(object1, object2);
			var separatedY: boolean = this.separateY(object1, object2);
			return separatedX || separatedY;

		* Separates two passed GameObjects on the x-axis.
		* Both objects need to have both an ArcadePhysics Component and a Box component in order for the separate process to succeed.
		* This method is not recommended to be directly used but instead use a 'collide/overlaps' method instead.
		* @method seperateX
		* @param object1 {Kiwi.Entity} The first GameObject.
		* @param object2 {Kiwi.Entity} The second GameObject.
		* @return {boolean} Whether the objects in fact touched and were separated along the X axis.
		* @static
		* @public
		public static separateX(object1: Kiwi.Entity, object2: Kiwi.Entity): boolean {

			//Get the Physics Components.
			var phys1: ArcadePhysics = <ArcadePhysics>object1.components.getComponent("ArcadePhysics");
			var phys2: ArcadePhysics = <ArcadePhysics>object2.components.getComponent("ArcadePhysics");

			//Can they even be sseparatated? two immovable objects
			if (phys1.immovable && phys2.immovable)
				return false;

			//First, get the two object deltas
			var overlap: number = 0;
			var obj1delta: number = phys1.transform.worldX - phys1.last.x;
			var obj2delta: number = phys2.transform.worldX - phys2.last.x;

			//Are they the same?
			if (obj1delta == obj2delta) return false;

			//Check if the X hulls actually overlap
			var obj1deltaAbs: number = (obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta;
			var obj2deltaAbs: number = (obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta;

			//Get the world hitboxes.
			var box1 = phys1.box.worldHitbox;
			var box2 = phys2.box.worldHitbox;

			//Where they are now using previous y axis's.
			var obj1rect: Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle = new Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle(box1.x - ((obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : 0), phys1.last.y + phys1.box.hitboxOffset.y, box1.width + ((obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta), box1.height);
			var obj2rect: Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle = new Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle(box2.x - ((obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : 0), phys2.last.y + phys2.box.hitboxOffset.y, box2.width + ((obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta), box2.height);

			//Could also use Kiwi.Geom.Intersect.rectangleToRectangle here...
			if ((obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x) && (obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width) && (obj1rect.y + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y) && (obj1rect.y < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height)) {

				var maxOverlap: number = obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + ArcadePhysics.OVERLAP_BIAS;

				if (obj1delta > obj2delta) {

					overlap = box1.x + box1.width - box2.x;
					if ((overlap > maxOverlap) || !(phys1.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.RIGHT) || !(phys2.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.LEFT)) {
						overlap = 0;
					} else {
						phys1.touching |= ArcadePhysics.RIGHT;
						phys2.touching |= ArcadePhysics.LEFT;

				} else {

					overlap = box1.x - box2.width - box2.x;
					if ((-overlap > maxOverlap) || !(phys1.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.LEFT) || !(phys2.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.RIGHT)) {
						overlap = 0;
					} else {
						phys1.touching |= ArcadePhysics.LEFT;
						phys2.touching |= ArcadePhysics.RIGHT;



			if (overlap != 0) {

				//Get the average velocity
				var obj1v: number = phys1.velocity.x;
				var obj2v: number = phys2.velocity.x;

				if (!phys1.immovable && !phys2.immovable) { 
					overlap *= 0.5;
					phys1.transform.x = phys1.transform.x - overlap;
					phys2.transform.x = phys2.transform.x + overlap;

					var obj1velocity: number = Math.sqrt((obj2v * obj2v * phys2.mass) / phys1.mass) * ((obj2v > 0) ? 1 : -1);
					var obj2velocity: number = Math.sqrt((obj1v * obj1v * phys1.mass) / phys2.mass) * ((obj1v > 0) ? 1 : -1);
					var average: number = (obj1velocity + obj2velocity) * 0.5;
					obj1velocity -= average;
					obj2velocity -= average;
					phys1.velocity.x = average + obj1velocity * phys1.elasticity;
					phys2.velocity.x = average + obj2velocity * phys2.elasticity;

				} else if (!phys1.immovable) {
					phys1.transform.x = phys1.transform.x - overlap;
					phys1.velocity.x = obj2v - obj1v * phys1.elasticity;

				} else if (!phys2.immovable) {
					phys2.transform.x = phys2.transform.x + overlap;
					phys2.velocity.x = obj1v - obj2v * phys2.elasticity;

				return true;


			return false;

		* Separates two GameObject on the y-axis. This method is executed from the 'separate' method.
		* Both objects need to have both an ArcadePhysics Component and a Box component in order for the separate process to succeed.
		* This method is not recommended to be directly used but instead use a 'collide/overlaps' method instead.
		* @method seperateY 
		* @param object1 {Kiwi.Entity} The first GameObject.
		* @param object2 {Kiwi.Entity} The second GameObject.
		* @return {boolean} Whether the objects in fact touched and were separated along the Y axis.
		* @static
		* @public
		public static separateY(object1: Kiwi.Entity, object2: Kiwi.Entity): boolean {

			//Get the Arcade Physics Components
			var phys1: ArcadePhysics = <ArcadePhysics>object1.components.getComponent("ArcadePhysics");
			var phys2: ArcadePhysics = <ArcadePhysics>object2.components.getComponent("ArcadePhysics"); 

			//Can't separate two immovable objects
			if (phys1.immovable && phys2.immovable) return false;

			var overlap: number = 0;
			var obj1delta: number = phys1.transform.worldY - phys1.last.y;
			var obj2delta: number = phys2.transform.worldY - phys2.last.y;

			//Do the deltas match?
			if (obj1delta == obj2delta) return false;

			//Absolute Deltas
			var obj1deltaAbs: number = (obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta;
			var obj2deltaAbs: number = (obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta;

			var box1 = phys1.box.worldHitbox;
			var box2 = phys2.box.worldHitbox;

			var obj1rect: Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle = new Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle(box1.x, box1.y - ((obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : 0), box1.width, box1.height + obj1deltaAbs);
			var obj2rect: Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle = new Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle(box2.x, box2.y - ((obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : 0), box2.width, box2.height + obj2deltaAbs);

			//Check for overlap
			if ((obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x) && (obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width) && (obj1rect.y + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y) && (obj1rect.y < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height)) {

				var maxOverlap: number = obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + ArcadePhysics.OVERLAP_BIAS;

				if (obj1delta > obj2delta) {

					overlap = box1.y + box1.height - box2.y;
					if ((overlap > maxOverlap) || !(phys1.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.DOWN) || !(phys2.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.UP)) {
						overlap = 0;
					} else {
						phys1.touching |= ArcadePhysics.DOWN;
						phys2.touching |= ArcadePhysics.UP;

				} else {

					overlap = box1.y - box2.height - box2.y;
					if ((-overlap > maxOverlap) || !(phys1.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.UP) || !(phys2.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.DOWN)) {
						overlap = 0;
					} else {
						phys1.touching |= ArcadePhysics.UP;
						phys2.touching |= ArcadePhysics.DOWN;


				//Then adjust their positions and velocities accordingly (if there was any overlap)
				if (overlap != 0) {

					var obj1v: number = phys1.velocity.y;
					var obj2v: number = phys2.velocity.y;

					if (!phys1.immovable && !phys2.immovable) {

						overlap *= 0.5;

						phys1.transform.y = phys1.transform.y - overlap;
						phys2.transform.y = phys2.transform.y + overlap;

						var obj1velocity: number = Math.sqrt((obj2v * obj2v * phys2.mass) / phys1.mass) * ((obj2v > 0) ? 1 : -1);
						var obj2velocity: number = Math.sqrt((obj1v * obj1v * phys1.mass) / phys2.mass) * ((obj1v > 0) ? 1 : -1);
						var average: number = (obj1velocity + obj2velocity) * 0.5;

						obj1velocity -= average;
						obj2velocity -= average;

						phys1.velocity.y = average + obj1velocity * phys1.elasticity;
						phys2.velocity.y = average + obj2velocity * phys2.elasticity;

					else if (!phys1.immovable) {
						phys1.transform.y = phys1.transform.y - overlap;
						phys1.velocity.y = obj2v - obj1v * phys1.elasticity;

						//This is special case code that handles cases like horizontal moving platforms you can ride
						if (object2.active && phys2.moves && (obj1delta > obj2delta))
							phys1.transform.x = phys1.transform.worldX + object2.transform.worldX - phys2.last.x;

					} else if (!phys2.immovable) {
						phys2.transform.y = phys2.transform.y + overlap;
						phys2.velocity.y = obj1v - obj2v * phys2.elasticity;

						//This is special case code that handles cases like horizontal moving platforms you can ride
						if (object1.active && phys1.moves && (obj1delta < obj2delta))
							phys2.transform.x = phys2.transform.worldX + object1.transform.worldX - phys1.last.x;


					return true;


			return false;

		* Seperation of Tiles Methods

		* Separates a GameObject from a series of passed Tiles that lie on a TileMapLayer. 
		* The gameobject needs to have a Box Component and an ArcadePhysics Component. 
		* This method is not recommended to be directly used but instead use the 'overlapsTiles' method instead.
		* @method separateTiles
		* @param object {Kiwi.Entity} The GameObject you are wanting to separate from a tile.
		* @param layer {Kiwi.GameObjects.Tilemap.TileMapLayer} The TileMapLayer that the tiles belong on.
		* @param tiles {Array} 
		* @return {Boolean} If any separation occured.
		* @public
		* @static
        public static separateTiles(object: Entity, layer: Kiwi.GameObjects.Tilemap.TileMapLayer, tiles:any):boolean {

			//Physics Component Found?
			if (object.components.hasComponent("ArcadePhysics") == false) return false;

			if (object.components.getComponent("ArcadePhysics").immovable) return false;

			var sepX = false;
			var sepY = false;

			for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {

				var tile = tiles[i];

				if(!sepX) sepX = this.separateTilesX(object, layer, tile);
				if(!sepY) sepY = this.separateTilesY(object, layer, tile);

			return  sepX || sepY;


		* Separates a GameObjects from an Array of Tiles on the x-axis. 
		* @method separateTilesX
		* @param object {Kiwi.Entity} The GameObject you are wanting to separate from a tile.
		* @param layer {Kiwi.GameObjects.Tilemap.TileMapLayer} The TileMapLayer that the tiles belong on.
		* @param tile {Object} An Object containing the information (x/y/tiletypr) about the tile that is being overlapped.
		* @return {Boolean} If any separation occured.
		* @public
		* @static
        public static separateTilesX(object: Entity, layer: Kiwi.GameObjects.Tilemap.TileMapLayer, tile):boolean {

			//Get Physics
			var phys1: ArcadePhysics = <ArcadePhysics>object.components.getComponent("ArcadePhysics");
			var phys2: ArcadePhysics = <ArcadePhysics>layer.components.getComponent("ArcadePhysics");

			//First, get the two object deltas
			var obj1delta: number = phys1.transform.worldX - phys1.last.x;
			var obj2delta: number = phys2.transform.worldX - phys2.last.x;

			//If they moved the same amount.
			if (obj1delta == obj2delta) return false;

			//Absolute Delta and Overlap
			var obj1deltaAbs: number = (obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta;
			var obj2deltaAbs: number = (obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta;
			var overlap = 0;
			var maxOverlap: number = obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + ArcadePhysics.OVERLAP_BIAS;

			//Quick References
			var box1 = phys1.box.worldHitbox;
			var tileTypes = layer.tilemap.tileTypes;
			var tData = layer.tileData;

			//Box of the GameObject
			var x = phys2.transform.worldX + tile.x;
			var obj1rect: Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle = new Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle(box1.x - ((obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : 0), phys1.last.y + phys1.box.hitboxOffset.y, box1.width + ((obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta), box1.height);
			var obj2rect: Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle = new Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle(x - ((obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : 0), phys2.last.y + tile.y, layer.tileWidth + ((obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta), layer.tileHeight);

			//Check to see if they overlap
			if ((obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x) && (obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width) && (obj1rect.y - 1 + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y) && (obj1rect.y - 1 < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height)) {

				//Which way the delta is going
				if (obj1delta > obj2delta) {

					overlap = box1.x + box1.width - x;
					if ((overlap > maxOverlap) || !(phys1.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.RIGHT) || !(tileTypes[tData[tile.index]].allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.LEFT)) {
						overlap = 0;
					} else {
						phys1.touching |= ArcadePhysics.RIGHT;

				} else {

					overlap = box1.x - layer.tileWidth - x;
					if ((-overlap > maxOverlap) || !(phys1.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.LEFT) || !(tileTypes[tData[tile.index]].allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.RIGHT)) {
						overlap = 0;
					} else {
						phys1.touching |= ArcadePhysics.LEFT;


				//Resolve the Collision
				if (overlap != 0) {

					var obj1v: number = phys1.velocity.x;
					var obj2v: number = phys2.velocity.x;

					phys1.transform.x = phys1.transform.x - overlap;
					phys1.velocity.x = obj2v - obj1v * phys1.elasticity;

					return true;


			return false;

		* Separates a GameObject from a tiles on the y-axis. 
		* @method separateTilesY
		* @param object {Kiwi.Entity} The GameObject you are wanting to separate from a tile.
		* @param layer {Kiwi.GameObjects.Tilemap.TileMapLayer} The TileMapLayer that the tiles belong on.
		* @param tiles {Object} An Object representing the Tile which we are checking to see any overlaps occurs.
		* @return {Boolean} If any separation occured.
		* @public
		* @static
		public static separateTilesY(object:Entity, layer, tile):boolean {

			//Get the physics.
			var phys1: ArcadePhysics = <ArcadePhysics>object.components.getComponent("ArcadePhysics");
			var phys2: ArcadePhysics = <ArcadePhysics>layer.components.getComponent("ArcadePhysics");

			//First, get the two object deltas
			var obj1delta: number = phys1.transform.worldY - phys1.last.y;
			var obj2delta: number = phys2.transform.worldY - phys2.last.y;

			//Have they moved the same amount?
			if (obj1delta == obj2delta) return false;

			//Absolute Delta and Max Overlap
			var obj1deltaAbs: number = (obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta;
			var obj2deltaAbs: number = (obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta;
			var overlap: number = 0;
			var maxOverlap: number = obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + ArcadePhysics.OVERLAP_BIAS;

			var box1 = phys1.box.worldHitbox;
			var tileTypes = layer.tilemap.tileTypes;
			var tData = layer.tileData;
			var y = layer.transform.worldY + tile.y;

			var obj1rect: Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle = new Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle(box1.x, box1.y - ((obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : 0), box1.width, box1.height + obj1deltaAbs);
			var obj2rect: Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle = new Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle(phys2.transform.worldX + tile.x, y - ((obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : 0), layer.tileWidth, layer.tileHeight + obj2deltaAbs);

			//Check if they overlap
			if ((obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x) && (obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width) && (obj1rect.y + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y) && (obj1rect.y < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height)) {
				if (obj1delta > obj2delta) {

					overlap = box1.y + box1.height - y;
					if ((overlap > maxOverlap) || !(phys1.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.DOWN) || !(tileTypes[tData[tile.index]].allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.UP)) {
						overlap = 0;
					} else {
						phys1.touching |= ArcadePhysics.DOWN;

				} else {

					overlap = box1.y - layer.tileHeight - y;
					if ((-overlap > maxOverlap) || !(phys1.allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.UP) || !(tileTypes[tData[tile.index]].allowCollisions & ArcadePhysics.DOWN)) {
						overlap = 0;
					} else {
						phys1.touching |= ArcadePhysics.UP;


				//Resolve the Collision
				if (overlap != 0) {

					var obj1v: number = phys1.velocity.y;
					var obj2v: number = phys2.velocity.y;

					phys1.transform.y = phys1.transform.y - overlap;
					phys1.velocity.y = obj2v - obj1v * phys1.elasticity;

					return true;


			return false;

		* Instance Functions

		* A method to check to see if any Tiles with in this parent TileMapLayer overlaps with a GameObject passed.
		* If seperateObjects is true it will seperate the two entities based on their bounding box.
		* ONLY works if the parent of the ArcadePhysics component which is calling this method is a TileMapLayer.
		* Note: The GameObject passed must contain a box component and only if you want to separate the two objects must is ALSO contain an ArcadePhysics component.
		* @method overlapsTiles
		* @param gameObject {Kiwi.Entity} The GameObject you would like to separate with this one.
		* @param [separateObjects=false] {Boolean} If you want the GameObject to be separated from any tile it collides with.
		* @param [collisionType=ANY] {Number} If you want the GameObject to only check for collisions from a particular side of tiles. ANY by default.
		* @return {Boolean} If any gameobject overlapped.
		* @public
		public overlapsTiles(gameObject:Entity, separateObjects:boolean = false, collisionType:number = Kiwi.Components.ArcadePhysics.ANY):boolean {

			//Are we a tilemaplayer?
			if (this.parent.childType() !== Kiwi.TILE_LAYER) return false; 

            var tiles = (<Kiwi.GameObjects.Tilemap.TileMapLayer>this.parent).getOverlappingTiles(gameObject, collisionType);

			if (tiles.length > 0) {
                if (separateObjects) ArcadePhysics.separateTiles(gameObject, <Kiwi.GameObjects.Tilemap.TileMapLayer>this.parent, tiles);

				return true;
			} else {
				return false;

		* A method to check to see if the parent of this physics component overlaps with another Kiwi.Entity.
		* If seperateObjects is true it will seperate the two entities based on their bounding box.
		* Note: The GameObject passed must contain a box component and only if you want to separate the two objects must is ALSO contain an ArcadePhysics component. 
		* Also: Not to be used for separation from tiles.
		* @method overlaps
		* @param gameObject {Kiwi.Entity}
		* @param [seperateObjects=false] {boolean}
		* @return {boolean}
		* @public
		public overlaps(gameObject: Entity, separateObjects: boolean = false): boolean {

			if (gameObject.components.hasComponent('Box') == false) return;

			var box: Kiwi.Components.Box = gameObject.components.getComponent('Box');

			var result: boolean = (box.worldHitbox.x + box.worldHitbox.width > this.box.worldHitbox.x) && (box.worldHitbox.x < this.box.worldHitbox.x + this.box.worldHitbox.width) &&
				(box.worldHitbox.y + box.worldHitbox.height > this.box.worldHitbox.y) && (box.worldHitbox.y < this.box.worldHitbox.y + this.box.worldHitbox.height);

			if (result) {
				if (separateObjects)
					ArcadePhysics.separate(<Kiwi.Entity>this.owner, gameObject);

				if (this._callbackFunction !== null && this._callbackContext !== null) {
					this._callbackFunction.call(this._callbackContext, this.owner, gameObject);

			return result;


		* A method to check to see if the parent of this physics component overlaps with another individual in a Kiwi Group.
		* @method overlapsGroup
		* @param group {Kiwi.Group}
		* @param [seperateObjects=false] {boolean} 
		* @return { boolean } If any object in the group overlapped with the GameObject or not.
		* @public
		public overlapsGroup(group: Kiwi.Group, separateObjects: boolean = false): boolean {

			var results: boolean = false;

			for (var i = 0; i < group.members.length; i++) {

				if (group.members[i].childType() === Kiwi.GROUP) {
					//recursively check overlap
					this.overlapsGroup(<Kiwi.Group>group.members[i], separateObjects);

				} else {
					//otherwise its an entity

					if (this.overlaps(<Kiwi.Entity>group.members[i], separateObjects)) {
						if (this._callbackContext !== null && this._callbackFunction !== null)
							this._callbackFunction.call(this._callbackContext, this.owner, group.members[i]);
						results = true;


			return results;

		* A method to check to see if the parent of this physics component overlaps with any Entities that are held in an Array which is passed.
		* @method overlapsArray
		* @param array {Array} The array of GameObjects you want to check.
		* @param [separateObjects=false] {boolean} If when the objects collide you want them to seperate outwards.
		* @return {boolean} If any overlapping occured or not.
		* @public
		public overlapsArray(array: Array<any>, separateObjects: boolean = false): boolean {
			var results: boolean = false;

			for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

				if (typeof array[i].childType !== "undefined") {

					if (array[i].childType() == Kiwi.GROUP) {

						this.overlapsGroup(<Kiwi.Group>array[i], separateObjects);
					} else {

						if (this.overlaps(<Kiwi.Entity>array[i], separateObjects)) {
							if (this._callbackFunction !== null && this._callbackContext !== null) {
								this._callbackFunction.call(this._callbackContext, this.owner, array[i]);
							results = true;



			return results;

		* Motion Methods

		* Computes the velocity based on the parameters passed.  
		* @method computeVelocity
		* @static
		* @param velocity {number} The currently velocity.
		* @param [acceleration=0] {number} The acceleration of the item.
		* @param [drag=0] {number} The amount of drag effecting the item.
		* @param [max=10000] {number} The maximum velocity.
		* @return {Number} The new velocity
		* @public
		public static computeVelocity(velocity: number, acceleration: number = 0, drag: number = 0, max: number = 10000): number {

			if (acceleration != 0)
				velocity += acceleration * ArcadePhysics.updateInterval;
			else if (drag != 0) {
				drag = drag * ArcadePhysics.updateInterval;
				if (velocity - drag > 0)
					velocity = velocity - drag;
				else if (velocity + drag < 0)
					velocity += drag;
					velocity = 0;
			if ((velocity != 0) && (max != 10000)) {
				if (velocity > max)
					velocity = max;
				else if (velocity < -max)
					velocity = -max;
			return velocity;

		* Updates the position of this object. Automatically called if the 'moves' parameter is true.  
		* This called each frame during the update method.
		* @method updateMotion
		* @private
		public updateMotion() {
			var delta: number;
			var velocityDelta: number;
			//Update the motion calculated from rotation.
			velocityDelta = (ArcadePhysics.computeVelocity(this.angularVelocity, this.angularAcceleration, this.angularDrag, this.maxAngular) - this.angularVelocity) / 2;
			this.angularVelocity += velocityDelta;
			this.transform.rotation += this.angularVelocity * ArcadePhysics.updateInterval;
			this.angularVelocity += velocityDelta;
			//Update the motion on the x-axis.
			velocityDelta = (ArcadePhysics.computeVelocity(this.velocity.x, this.acceleration.x, this.drag.x, this.maxVelocity.x) - this.velocity.x) / 2;
			this.velocity.x += velocityDelta;
			delta = this.velocity.x * ArcadePhysics.updateInterval;
			this.velocity.x += velocityDelta;
			this.transform.x = this.transform.x + delta;

			//Update the motion on the y-axis.
			velocityDelta = (ArcadePhysics.computeVelocity(this.velocity.y, this.acceleration.y, this.drag.y, this.maxVelocity.y) - this.velocity.y) / 2;
			this.velocity.y += velocityDelta;
			delta = this.velocity.y * ArcadePhysics.updateInterval;
			this.velocity.y += velocityDelta;
			this.transform.y = this.transform.y + delta;

		* The Update loop of the physics component
		* @method update
		* @public
		public update() {

			//Flixel preupdate
			this.last.x = this.transform.worldX;
			this.last.y = this.transform.worldY;

			//Flixel postupdate
			if (this.moves)

			this.wasTouching = this.touching;
			this.touching = ArcadePhysics.NONE;


		* Removes all properties that refer to other objects or outside of this class in order to flag this object for garbage collection.
		* @method destroy
		* @public
		public destroy() {

			delete this.transform;
			delete this.owner;
			delete this._callbackContext;
			delete this._callbackFunction;

		* The type of object that this is.
		* @method objType
		* @return {string} "ArcadePhysics"
		* @public
		public objType() {
			return "ArcadePhysics";

		* Static Functions

		* Collide Functions - Maps to Overlaps

		* A Static method to check to see if two objects collide or not. Returns a boolean indicating whether they overlaped or not.
		* @method collide
		* @static
		* @public
		* @param gameObject1 {Kiwi.Entity} The first game object.
		* @param gameObject2 {Kiwi.Entity} The second game object.
		* @param [seperate=true] {boolean} If the two gameobjects should seperated when they collide.
		* @return {boolean}
		public static collide(gameObject1: Entity, gameObject2: Entity, seperate: boolean = true): boolean {
			return ArcadePhysics.overlaps(gameObject1, gameObject2, seperate);

		* A Static method to check to see if a single entity collides with a group of entities. Returns a boolean indicating whether they overlaped or not.
		* @method collideGroup
		* @static
		* @public
		* @param gameObject {Kiwi.Entity} The entity you would like to check against.
		* @param group {Kiwi.Group} The Kiwi Group that you want to check the entity against. 
		* @param [seperate=true] {boolean} 
		* @return {boolean}
		* @public
		public static collideGroup(gameObject: Entity, group: Kiwi.Group, seperate: boolean = true): boolean {

			return ArcadePhysics.overlapsObjectGroup(gameObject, group, seperate);

		* A Static method to check to see if a group of entities overlap with another group of entities. Returns a boolean indicating whether they overlaped or not.
		* @method collideGroupGroup
		* @static
		* @public
		* @param group1 {Kiwi.Group} The first Kiwi Group that you want to check the entity against. 
		* @param group2 {Kiwi.Group} The second Kiwi Group that you want to check the entity against. 
		* @param [seperate=true] {boolean}
		* @return {boolean}
		public static collideGroupGroup(group1: Kiwi.Group, group2: Kiwi.Group, seperate: boolean = true): boolean {

			return ArcadePhysics.overlapsGroupGroup(group1, group2, seperate);

		* Overlap Static Method - Use's the Arcade Physics of one of the gameobjects passed.

		* A Static method to that checks to see if two objects overlap. Returns a boolean indicating whether they did or not.
		* @method overlaps
		* @static
		* @public
		* @param gameObject1 {Kiwi.Entity} The first game object.
		* @param gameObject2 {Kiwi.Entity} The second gameobject you are testing the first against.
		* @param [separateObjects=true] {boolean} 
		* @return {boolean}
		public static overlaps(gameObject1: Entity, gameObject2: Entity, separateObjects: boolean = true): boolean {

			var obj1Physics: ArcadePhysics = gameObject1.components.getComponent("ArcadePhysics");
			return obj1Physics.overlaps(gameObject2, separateObjects);

		* A Static method to that checks to see if a single object overlaps with a group of entities. Returns a boolean indicating whether they did or not.
		* @method overlapsObjectGroup
		* @static
		* @param gameObject {Kiwi.Entity}
		* @param group {Kiwi.Group} 
		* @param [seperateObjects=true] {boolean} If they overlap should the seperate or not
		* @return {boolean}
		* @public
		public static overlapsObjectGroup(gameObject: Entity, group: Kiwi.Group, separateObjects: boolean = true): boolean {

			var objPhysics: ArcadePhysics = gameObject.components.getComponent("ArcadePhysics");
			return objPhysics.overlapsGroup(group, separateObjects);

		* A Static method that checks to see if any objects in one group overlap with objects in another group.
		* @method overlaps
		* @static
		* @param group1 {Kiwi.Group} The first group you would like to check against.
		* @param group2 {Kiwi.Group} The second group you would like to check against.
		* @param [seperate=true] {boolean} If they overlap should the seperate or not
		* @return {boolean}
		* @public
		public static overlapsGroupGroup(group1: Kiwi.Group, group2: Kiwi.Group, separateObjects: boolean = true): boolean {

			var result: boolean = false;

			var members: IChild[] = group1.members;
			var i: number = 0;

			while (i < group1.members.length) {
				if (members[i].childType() == Kiwi.GROUP) {
					if (ArcadePhysics.overlapsGroupGroup(<Kiwi.Group>members[i++], group2, separateObjects)) result = true;

				} else {
					if (ArcadePhysics.overlapsObjectGroup(<Kiwi.Entity>members[i++], group2, separateObjects)) result = true;


			return result;

		* A Static method that checks to see if any objects from an Array collide with a Kiwi Group members.
		* @method overlapsArrayGroup
		* @param array {Array} An array you want to check collide.
		* @param group {Kiwi.Group} A group of objects you want to check overlaps.
		* @param [seperateObjects=true] {Boolean} If when a collision is found the objects should seperate out.
		* @return {Boolean} 
		* @static
		public static overlapsArrayGroup(array: Array<any>, group: Kiwi.Group, separateObjects: boolean = true) {

			var result: boolean = false;

			//loop through the array 
			for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
				if (typeof array[i].childType !== "undefined") {

					if (array[i].childType() === Kiwi.GROUP) {
						if (ArcadePhysics.overlapsGroupGroup(<Kiwi.Group>array[i], group, separateObjects))
							result = true;

					} else {
						if (ArcadePhysics.overlapsObjectGroup(<Kiwi.Entity>array[i], group, separateObjects))
							result = true;


			return result;

		* Static Constants 

		* How often the motion should be updated.
		* @property updateInterval
		* @static
		* @default 1 / 10
		* @type number
		* @public
		public static updateInterval: number = 1 / 10;

		* Generic value for "left" Used by <code>facing</code>, <code>allowCollisions</code>, and <code>touching</code>.
		* @property LEFT
		* @type number
		* @default 0x0001
		* @public
		* @static
		public static LEFT: number = 0x0001;

		* Generic value for "right" Used by <code>facing</code>, <code>allowCollisions</code>, and <code>touching</code>.
		* @property RIGHT
		* @type number
		* @default 0x0010
		* @public
		* @static
		public static RIGHT: number = 0x0010;

		* Generic value for "up" Used by <code>facing</code>, <code>allowCollisions</code>, and <code>touching</code>.
		* @property UP
		* @type number
		* @default 0x0100
		* @public
		* @static
		public static UP: number = 0x0100;

		* Generic value for "down" Used by <code>facing</code>, <code>allowCollisions</code>, and <code>touching</code>.
		* @property DOWN
		* @type number
		* @default 0x1000
		* @public
		* @static
		public static DOWN: number = 0x1000;

		* Special-case constant meaning no collisions, used mainly by <code>allowCollisions</code> and <code>touching</code>.
		* @property NONE
		* @type number
		* @default 0
		* @public
		* @static
		public static NONE: number = 0;

		* Special-case constant meaning up, used mainly by <code>allowCollisions</code> and <code>touching</code>.
		* @property CEILING
		* @type number
		* @default 0x0100
		* @public
		* @static
		public static CEILING: number = ArcadePhysics.UP;

		* Special-case constant meaning down, used mainly by <code>allowCollisions</code> and <code>touching</code>.
		* @property FLOOR
		* @type number
		* @default 0x1000
		* @public
		* @static
		public static FLOOR: number = ArcadePhysics.DOWN;

		* Special-case constant meaning only the left and right sides, used mainly by <code>allowCollisions</code> and <code>touching</code>.
		* @property WALL
		* @type number
		* @default 0x0011
		* @public
		* @static
		public static WALL: number = ArcadePhysics.LEFT | ArcadePhysics.RIGHT;

		* Special-case constant meaning any direction, used mainly by <code>allowCollisions</code> and <code>touching</code>.
		* @property ANY
		* @type number
		* @default 0x1111
		* @public
		* @static
		public static ANY: number = ArcadePhysics.LEFT | ArcadePhysics.RIGHT | ArcadePhysics.UP | ArcadePhysics.DOWN;

		* Handy constant used during collision resolution (see <code>separateX()</code> and <code>separateY()</code>).
		* @property OVERLAP_BIAS
		* @type number
		* @default 4
		* @public
		* @static
		public static OVERLAP_BIAS: number = 4;

