API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\core\ComponentManager.ts

* @module Kiwi

module Kiwi {

	* The component manager is a class that is used to handle components that
	* are active on a particular object. Any object that has a component
	* manager attached to it can use components. If you want to check to see if
	* a particular component is on an object you can ask the component manager.
	* The component manager is updated once per frame (as part of its owner's
	* update), and updates all active components. This is very useful for
	* creating modular, customised behaviors on entities.
	* @class ComponentManager
	* @namespace Kiwi
	* @constructor
	* @param type {number} - The type of object that this component manager's owner is.
	* @param owner {Object} - The owner of this component manager.
	* @return {ComponentManager} 
	export class ComponentManager {

		constructor(type: number, owner:any) {

			this._components = {};

			this._type = type;
			this._owner = owner;


		* Returns the type of this object
		* @method objType
		* @return {string} "ComponentManager"
		* @public
		public objType():string {
			return "ComponentManager";

		* The owner of this Component Manager
		* @property _owner
		* @type {object}
		* @private
		private _owner: any;

		* The type of this object.
		* @property _type
		* @type number
		* @private
		private _type: number;

		* A list of all components that are currently on the ComponentManager
		* @property _components
		* @type Kiwi.Component 
		* @private
		public _components;

		* Returns true if this contains the component given, false otherwise.
		* @method hasComponent
		* @param value {String} the name of the component
		* @return {boolean} True if this component manager contains the given component, false otherwise.
		* @public
		public hasComponent(value: string): boolean {

			if (this._components[value]) {
				return true;

			return false; 

		* Returns true if this contains the component given and the component is active, false otherwise.
		* @method hasActiveComponent
		* @param value {String} The name of the component.
		* @return {boolean} true if this manager contains the component and it is active, false otherwise.
		* @public
		public hasActiveComponent(value: string): boolean {

			if (this._components[value] && this._components[value].active === true)
				return true;

			return false;


		* Get an existing component that has been added to the layer by its name
		* @method getComponent
		* @param value {String} The component name
		* @return {Kiwi.Component} The component, if found, otherwise null
		* @public
		public getComponent(value: string): any {

			if (this._components[value]) {
				return this._components[value];

			return null; 

		* Adds a Component to the manager.
		* @method add
		* @param component {Kiwi.Component} The component to add
		* @return {Kiwi.Component} The component that was added
		* @public
		public add(component: Kiwi.Component): any {

			this._components[component.name] = component;

			return component; 

		* Adds a batch of components to the manager at a single time. 
		* @method addBatch
		* @param value* {Kiwi.Component} The component/s that you would like to add.
		* @public
		public addBatch(...paramsArr: any[]) {

			for (var i = 0; i < paramsArr.length; i++) {


		* Removes a component from the component manager
		* @method removeComponent
		* @param component {Kiwi.Component} The component to be removed.
		* @param [destroy=true] {boolean} If the destroy method is to be called on the component when it is removed.
		* @return {boolean} true if the component was removed successfully
		* @public
		public removeComponent(component: Kiwi.Component, destroy: boolean = true): boolean {

			var name = component.name;

			if (this._components[name]) {
				if (destroy) {
				delete this._components[name];

				return true; 

			return false; 

		* Removes a component based on its name
		* @method removeComponentByName
		* @param name {String} The name of the component to be removed
		* @param [destroy=true] {boolean} If the destroy method is to be called on the component when it is removed.
		* @return {boolean} true if the component was removed successfully
		* @public
		public removeComponentByName(name: string, destroy: boolean = true): boolean {

			if (this._components[name]) {
				if (destroy) {
				delete this._components[name];

				return true; 

			return false; 

		* Removes all of the components from the component manager. 
		* @method removeAll
		* @param [destroy=true] {boolean} If true will destroy all components
		* @public
		public removeAll(destroy: boolean = true) {
			for (var key in this._components) { 
				this.removeComponent(this._components[key], destroy);

		* Calls preUpdate on all active Components
		* @method preUpdate
		* @public
		public preUpdate() {

			for (var name in this._components) {
				if (this._components[name].active) {

		* Calls update on all active Components
		* @method update
		* @public
		public update() {
			for (var name in this._components) {
				if (this._components[name].active) {

		* Calls postUpdate on all active Components
		* @method postUpdate
		* @public
		public postUpdate() {
			for (var name in this._components) {
				if (this._components[name].active) {

		* Calls preRender on all active Components
		* @method preRender
		* @public
		public preRender() {
			for (var name in this._components) {
				if (this._components[name].active) {

		* Renders all active Components
		* @method render
		* @public
		public render() {
			for (var name in this._components) {
				if (this._components[name].active) {

		* Calls postRender on all active Components
		* @method postRender
		* @public
		public postRender() {
			for (var name in this._components) {
				if (this._components[name].active) {