API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\file\File.ts

* @module Kiwi
* @submodule Files 

module Kiwi.Files {

	* Base class which handles the loading of an external data file an xhr. 
	* TextureFile, AudioFile contain fallback loading via tags and all extended Files contain methods for processing the files.
	* Also can contain information about the file (like file size, last modified, e.t.c.)
	* Uses an object literal in its constructor since 1.2 (which is preferred), but also contains previous construction support.
	* @class File
	* @namespace Kiwi.Files
	* @constructor
	* @param game {Kiwi.Game} The game that this file is for
	* @param params {Object} Options for this file.
	*   @param params.key {String} User defined name for this file. This would be how the user would access it in the file store. 
	*   @param params.url {String} Location of the file to be loaded.
	*   @param {Object} [params.metadata={}] Any metadata to be associated with the file. 
	*   @param [params.state=null] {Kiwi.State} The state that this file belongs to. Used for defining global assets vs local assets.
	*   @param [params.fileStore=null] {Kiwi.Files.FileStore} The filestore that this file should be save in automatically when loaded.
	*   @param [params.type=UNKNOWN] {Number} The type of file this is. 
	*   @param [params.tags] {Array} Any tags to be associated with this file.
    *   @param [params.timeout=TIMEOUT_DELAY] {Number} Sets the timeout delay when loading via ajax. 
	* @return {Kiwi.Files.File} 
	export class File {

		constructor(game: Kiwi.Game, params:any) {

			this.game = game;

			this.onComplete = new Kiwi.Signal;

			this.onProgress = new Kiwi.Signal;

			if (Kiwi.Utils.Common.isNumeric(params)) {
				this._parseParamsOld(params, arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]);

			} else {

				this.key = params.key;





		* Assigns properties and variables for the constructor as in pre 1.2 Kiwi versions. 
		* @method _parseParamsOld
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @param dataType {Number} The type of file that is being loaded. For this you can use the STATIC properties that are located on this class for quick code completion.
		* @param path {String} The location of the file that is to be loaded.
		* @param [name=''] {String} A name for the file. If no name is specified then the files name will be used.
		* @param [saveToFileStore=true] {Boolean} If the file should be saved on the file store or not.
		* @param [storeAsGlobal=true] {Boolean} If this file should be stored as a global file, or if it should be destroyed when this state gets switched out.
		* @private
        private _parseParamsOld(dataType: number, url: string, name: string = '', saveToFileStore: boolean = true, storeAsGlobal: boolean = true) {

            this.dataType = dataType;


            if (saveToFileStore) {
                this.fileStore = this.game.fileStore;

            if (this.game.states.current && !storeAsGlobal) {
                this.ownerState = this.game.states.current;


		* Sets properties for this instance based on an object literal passed. Used when the class is being created.
		* @method parseParams
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @param [params] {Object}
		*   @param [params.metadata={}] {Object} Any metadata to be associated with the file. 
		*   @param [params.state=null] {Kiwi.State} The state that this file belongs to. Used for defining global assets vs local assets.
		*   @param [params.fileStore=null] {Kiwi.Files.FileStore} The filestore that this file should be save in automatically when loaded.
		*   @param [params.type=UNKNOWN] {Number} The type of file this is. 
		*   @param [params.tags] {Array} Any tags to be associated with this file.
        *   @param [params.timeout=TIMEOUT_DELAY] {Number} Sets the timeout delay when loading via ajax.   
		* @protected 
		protected parseParams(params: any) {

			this.fileStore = params.fileStore || null;
			this.ownerState = params.state || null;
            this.metadata = params.metadata || {};

            if ( Kiwi.Utils.Common.isUndefined(params.timeout) ) {
                this.timeOutDelay = params.timeout;
            } else {
                this.timeOutDelay = Kiwi.Files.File.TIMEOUT_DELAY;

			if (Kiwi.Utils.Common.isUndefined(params.type)) {
				this.dataType = File.UNKNOWN;
			} else {
				this.dataType = params.type;

			if (params.tags && Kiwi.Utils.Common.isArray(params.tags)) {

				for (var i = 0; i < params.tags.length; i++) {



		* Gets the file details from the URL passed. Name, extension, and path are extracted.
		* @method _assignFileDetails
		* @param url {String}
		* @private
		* @since 1.2.0
		private _assignFileDetails( url:string ) {

			this.URL = url;

			if ( url.lastIndexOf('/') > -1) {
				this.name = url.substr( url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1 );
				this.path = url.substr(0, url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

			} else {
				this.path = '';
				this.name = url;

			//  Not safe if there is a query string after the file extension
			this.extension = url.substr( url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();


		* Returns the type of this object
		* @method objType
		* @return {String} "File"
		* @public
		public objType() {
			return "File";

		* The game that this file belongs to.
		* @property game
		* @type Kiwi.Game
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public game: Kiwi.Game;

		* ---------------
		* Generic Properties 
		* ---------------

		* Indicates if this file can be loaded in parallel to other files. 
		* This is usually only used files are using the tag loaders and not XHR.
		* @property _loadInParallel
		* @type Boolean
		* @default false
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @private
		protected _loadInParallel: boolean = false;

		* READ ONLY: Indicates if this file can be loaded in parallel to other files. 
		* This is usually only used files are using the tag loaders and not XHR.
		* @property loadInParallel
		* @type Boolean
		* @default false
		* @readOnly
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @private
		public get loadInParallel(): boolean {
			return this._loadInParallel;

		* The filestore this file should be added to when it has loaded. 
		* This can be replaced with a custom one if wanted.
		* @property fileStore
		* @type Kiwi.Files.FileStore
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public fileStore: Kiwi.Files.FileStore;

		* If this file is using tag loading instead of the XHR method. 
		* Only used by extended classes
		* @property useTagLoader
		* @type Boolean
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @protected
		protected useTagLoader: boolean = false;

		* The 'key' is the user defined name and the users way of accessing this file once loaded.
		* @property key
		* @type String
		* @public
		public key: string;

		* A dictionary, stores any information relating to this file.
		* Used when loading images that are to be used as a spritesheet or texture atlas.
		* @property data
		* @type Any
		* @public
		public metadata: any;

		* Holds the type of data that is being loaded. 
		* This should be used with the STATIC properties that hold the various datatypes that can be loaded.
		* @property dataType
		* @type String
		* @public
		public dataType: number;

		* ---------------
		* File Information
		* ---------------

		* The name of the file being loaded.
		* @property name
		* @type String
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public name: string;

		* The location of where the file is placed without the file itself (So without the files name).
		* Example: If the file you are load is located at 'images/awesomeImage.png' then the filepath will be 'images/'
		* @property path
		* @type String
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public path: string;

		* The extension of the file that is being loaded.
		* This is based upon what the file path that the developer specifies.
		* @property extension
		* @type String
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public extension: string;

		* The full filepath including the file itself.
		* @property URL
		* @type String
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public URL: string;

		* The type of file that is being loaded.
		* Is only ever given a value when used with the XHR method of loading OR if you use 'loadDetails' before hand.
		* The value is based off of the 'Content-Type' of the XHR's response header returns.
		* @property type
		* @type String
		* @public
		public type: string;

		* The size of the file that was/is being loaded. 
		* Only has a value when the file was loaded by the XHR method OR you request the file information beforehand using 'loadDetails'.
		* @property size
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public size: number = 0;

		* ---------------
		* Callbacks
		* ---------------

		* Signal which dispatches events when the file has successfully loaded. 
		* @property onComplete
		* @type Kiwi.Signal
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public onComplete: Kiwi.Signal;

		* Signal which dispatches events when the file is loading. 
		* Not guarenteed to dispatch events as it depends on the method of loading being performed
		* @property onProgress
		* @type Kiwi.Signal
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public onProgress: Kiwi.Signal;

		* ---------------
		* Loading
		* ---------------

		* The particular piece of data that the developer wanted loaded. This is in a format that is based upon the datatype passed.
		* @property data
		* @type Any
		* @public
		public data: any;

		* The number of milliseconds that the XHR should wait before timing out.
		* Set this to NULL if you want it to not timeout.
        * Default changed in v1.3.1 to null
		* @property timeOutDelay
		* @type Number
		* @default null
		* @public
		public timeOutDelay: number = Kiwi.Files.File.TIMEOUT_DELAY;

		* The default number of milliseconds that the XHR should wait before timing out.
		* By default this is set to NULL, and so requests will not timeout.
        * Default changed in v1.3.1 to null
		* @property TIMEOUT_DELAY
		* @type Number
		* @static
		* @since 1.2.0
        * @default null
		* @public
		public static TIMEOUT_DELAY: number = null;

		* The number of attempts at loading there have currently been at loading the file.
		* This is only used with XHR methods of loading.
		* @property attemptCounter
		* @type Number
		* @protected
		protected attemptCounter: number = 0;

		* The maximum attempts at loading the file that there is allowed.
		* @property maxLoadAttempts
		* @type Number
		* @default 2
		* @public
		public maxLoadAttempts: number = Kiwi.Files.File.MAX_LOAD_ATTEMPTS;

		* The default maximum attempts at loading the file that there is allowed.
		* @property MAX_LOAD_ATTEMPTS
		* @type Number
		* @default 2
		* @static
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public static MAX_LOAD_ATTEMPTS: number = 2;

		* Starts the loading process for this file. 
		* Passing parameters to this method has been deprecated and only exists for backwards compatibility.
		* @method load
		* @public
		public load(onCompleteCallback?: any, onProgressCallback?: any, customFileStore?: Kiwi.Files.FileStore, maxLoadAttempts?: number, timeout?: number) {

			//Not currently loading?
			if (this.loading) {
				Kiwi.Log.error('Kiwi.Files.File: File loading is in progress. Cannot be told to load again.', '#loading');

			Kiwi.Log.log("Kiwi.Files.File: Starting to load '" + this.name + "'", '#file', '#loading');

			//Set the variables based on the parameters passed
			//To be deprecated
			if (onCompleteCallback) this.onComplete.add( onCompleteCallback );
			if (onProgressCallback) this.onProgress.add( onProgressCallback );
			if (customFileStore) this.fileStore = customFileStore;
			if (typeof maxLoadAttempts !== "undefined") this.maxLoadAttempts = maxLoadAttempts;
			if (typeof timeout !== "undefined") this.timeOutDelay = timeout;

			//Start Loading!!!

		* Increments the counter, and calls the approprate loading method.
		* @method _load
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @protected
		protected _load() {
			this.xhrLoader( 'GET', 'text' );

		* Should be called by the loading method. Dispatches the 'onProgress' callback.
		* @method loadProgress
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @protected
		protected loadProgress() {

		* Called by the loading methods when the file has been loaded and successfully processed.
		* Dispatches the 'onComplete' callback and sets the appropriate properties.
		* @method loadSuccess
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @protected 
		protected loadSuccess() {

			//If already completed skip
			if (this.complete) {

			this.success = true;
			this.hasError = false;

			if (this.fileStore) {
				this.fileStore.addFile(this.key, this);


		* Executed when the loading process fails. 
		* This could be for any reason
		* @method loadError
		* @param error {Any} The event / reason for the file to not be loaded.
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @protected 
		protected loadError(error: any) {

			//Try again?
			if (this.attemptCounter >= this.maxLoadAttempts) {
				Kiwi.Log.log("Kiwi.Files.File: Failed to load file '" + this.name + "'. Trying Again", '#loading');
				this.hasError = true;
				this.success = false;
				this.error = error;

			} else {
				Kiwi.Log.log("Kiwi.Files.File: Failed to load file '" + this.name + "'", '#loading');
				//Try Again


		* ---------------
		* XHR Loading 
		* ---------------

		* Sets up a XHR loader based on the properties of this file and parameters passed.
		* @method xhrLoader
		* @param [method="GET"] {String} The method this request should be made in.
		* @param [responseType="text"] {String} The type of response we are expecting.
		* @param [timeoutDelay] {Number} 
		* @protected
		protected xhrLoader(method: string = 'GET', responseType: string = 'text', timeoutDelay: number = this.timeOutDelay) {

			this._xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
            this._xhr.open(method, this.URL, true);

			if (timeoutDelay !== null) {
				this._xhr.timeout = timeoutDelay;

			this._xhr.responseType = responseType;

			this._xhr.onload = (event) => this.xhrOnLoad(event);
			this._xhr.onerror = (event) => this.loadError(event);
            this._xhr.onprogress = (event) => this.xhrOnProgress(event);

            var _that = this;

			this._xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
                _that.readyState = _that._xhr.readyState;

			this._xhr.onloadstart = function (event) {
                _that.timeStarted = event.timeStamp;
                _that.lastProgress = event.timeStamp;

			this._xhr.ontimeout = function(event) {
                _that.hasTimedOut = true;

            this._xhr.onloadend = function (event) {



		* Progress event fired whilst the file is loading via XHR.
		* @method xhrOnProgress
		* @param event {Any}
		* @protected
		protected xhrOnProgress(event) {

			this.bytesLoaded = parseInt(event.loaded);
			this.bytesTotal = parseInt(event.total);
			this.percentLoaded = Math.round((this.bytesLoaded / this.bytesTotal) * 100);


		* Fired when the file has been loaded. 
		* Checks that the response contains information before marking it as a success.
		* @method xhrOnLoad
		* @param event {Any}
		* @protected
		protected xhrOnLoad(event) {

			this.status = this._xhr.status;
			this.statusText = this._xhr.statusText;

			// If there is a status, then use that for our check. Otherwise we will base it on the response
            if (this.status && this.status === 200 || !this.status && this._xhr.response) {
				this.buffer = this._xhr.response; //Deprecate

			} else {


		* Contains the logic for processing the information retrieved via XHR.
		* Assigns the data property. 
		* This method is also in charge of calling 'loadSuccess' (or 'loadError') when processing is complete. 
		* @method processXhr
		* @param response 
		* @protected
		protected processXhr( response:any ) {
			this.data = response;

		* The XMLHttpRequest object. This only has a value if the xhr method of load is being used, otherwise this is null.
		* @property _xhr
		* @type XMLHttpRequest
		* @protected
		protected _xhr: XMLHttpRequest;
		* -----------------
		* Loading Status
		* -----------------

		* The time at which the loading started. 
		* @property timeStarted
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @public
		public timeStarted: number = 0;

		* The time at which progress in loading the file was last occurred.
		* Only contains a value when using XHR methods of loading.
		* @property lastProgress
		* @type Number
		* @public
		public lastProgress: number = 0;

		* The time at which the load finished.
		* @property timeFinished
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @public
		public timeFinished: number = 0;

		* The duration or how long it took to load the file. In milliseconds. 
		* @property duration
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @public
		public duration: number = 0;

		* Is executed when this file starts loading. 
		* Gets the time and resets properties used in file loading.
		* @method _start
		* @private
		private _start() {

			this.attemptCounter = 0;
			this.loading = true;
			this.timeStarted = Date.now();
			this.percentLoaded = 0;


		* Is executed when this file stops loading. 
		* @method _stop
		* @private
		private _stop() {

			this.loading = false;
			this.complete = true;
			this.percentLoaded = 100;
			this.timeFinished = Date.now();
			this.duration = this.timeFinished - this.timeStarted;


		* If file loading failed or encountered an error and so was not laoded
		* @property hasError
		* @type boolean
		* @default false
		* @public
		public hasError: boolean = false;

		* Holds the error (if there was one) when loading the file.
		* @property error
		* @type Any
		* @public
		public error: any;

		* If loading was successful or not. 
		* @property success
		* @type boolean
		* @public
		public success: boolean = false;

		* Indication if the file is currently being loaded or not.
		* @property loading
		* @type boolean
		* @public 
		public loading: boolean = false;

		* Indicates if the file has attempted to load.
		* This is regardless of whether it was a success or not.
		* @property complete
		* @type boolean
		* @default false
		* @public
		public complete: boolean = false;

		* The amount of percent loaded the file is. This is out of 100.
		* @property percentLoaded
		* @type Number
		* @public
		public percentLoaded: number = 0;

		* The number of bytes that have currently been loaded. 
		* Useful when wanting to know exactly how much data has been transferred.
		* Only has a value when using the XHR method of loading.
		* @property bytesLoaded
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @public
		public bytesLoaded: number = 0;

		* The total number of bytes that the file consists off.
		* Only has a value when using the XHR method of loading 
		* or you are getting the file details before hand.
		* @property bytesTotal
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @public
		public bytesTotal: number = 0;

		* --------------------
		* XHR Header Information
		* --------------------

		* The callback method to be executed when the file details have been retrieved.
		* @property headCompleteCallback
		* @type Any
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @private
		private headCompleteCallback: any;

		* The context the 'headCompleteCallback' should be executed in..
		* The callback is the following arguments. 
		* 1. If the details were recieved
		* @property headCompleteContext
		* @type Any
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @private
		private headCompleteContext: any;

		* An indication of whether this files information has been retrieved or not.
		* @property detailsReceived
		* @type boolean
		* @default false
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public detailsReceived:boolean = false;

		* Makes a XHR HEAD request to get information about the file that is going to be downloaded.
		* This is particularly useful when you are wanting to check how large a file is before loading all of the content. 
		* @method loadDetails
		* @param [callback] {Any}
		* @param [context] {Any}
		* @return {Boolean} If the request was made
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public loadDetails(callback:any=null, context:any=null) {

			//Can't continue if regular loading is progressing.
			if ( this.loading ) {
				Kiwi.Log.error('Kiwi.Files.File: Cannot get the file details whilst the file is already loading');
				return false;

			if (callback) this.headCompleteCallback = callback;
			if (context) this.headCompleteContext = context;

			return true;

		* Retrieves the HEAD information from the XHR. 
		* This method is used for both 'load' and 'loadDetails' methods.
		* @method _getXhrHeaderInfo
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @private
		private _getXhrHeaderInfo() {

			if (!this._xhr) {

			this.status = this._xhr.status;
			this.statusText = this._xhr.statusText;

			//Get the file information...
			this.type = this._xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type');
			this.size = parseInt( this._xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Length') );
			this.lastModified = this._xhr.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified');
			this.ETag = this._xhr.getResponseHeader('ETag');
			this.detailsReceived = true;

		* Sets up a XMLHttpRequest object and sends a HEAD request.
		* @method xhrHeadRequest
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @private
		private xhrHeadRequest() {

			this._xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
			this._xhr.open('HEAD', this.fileURL, true);
			if (this.timeOutDelay !== null) this._xhr.timeout = this.timeOutDelay;

			this._xhr.onload = (event) => this.xhrHeadOnLoad(event);
			this._xhr.onerror = (event) => this.xhrHeadOnError(event);


		* Executed when a xhr head request fails
		* @method xhrHeadOnError
		* @param event {Any}
		* @private
		private xhrHeadOnError(event) {

			if (this.headCompleteCallback) {
				this.headCompleteCallback.call(this.headCompleteContext, false);


		* Executed when a XHR head request has loaded.
		* Checks that the status of the request is 200 before classifying it as a success.
		* @method xhrHeadOnLoad
		* @param event {Any}
		* @private
		private xhrHeadOnLoad(event) {

			if (this._xhr.status === 200) {

				if (this.headCompleteCallback) {
					this.headCompleteCallback.call(this.headCompleteContext, true);
			} else {


		* --------------------
		* MISC
		* --------------------

		* The Entity Tag that is assigned to the file. O
		* Only has a value when either using the XHR loader OR when requesting the file details.
		* @property ETag
		* @type String
		* @public
		public ETag: string = '';

		* The last date/time that this file was last modified. 
		* Only has a value when using the XHR method of loading OR when requesting the file details.
		* @property lastModified
		* @type String
		* @default ''
		* @public
		public lastModified: string = ''; 

		* --------------------
		* Tagging + State
		* --------------------

		* The state that added the entity - or null if it was added as global
		* @property ownerState
		* @type Kiwi.State
		* @public
		public ownerState: Kiwi.State;

		* Any tags that are on this file. This can be used to grab files/objects on the whole game that have these particular tag.
		* @property _tags
		* @type String[]
		* @default []
		* @private
		private _tags: string[];

		* Adds a new tag to this file. 
		* @method addTag
		* @param tag {String} The tag that you would like to add
		* @public
		public addTag(tag: string) {
			if (this._tags.indexOf(tag) == -1) {

		* Removes a tag from this file.
		* @method removeTag
		* @param tag {String} The tag that is to be removed.
		* @public
		public removeTag(tag: string) {
			var index: number = this._tags.indexOf(tag);
			if (index != -1) {
				this._tags.splice(index, 1);

		* Checks to see if a tag that is passed exists on this file.
		* Returns a boolean that is used as a indication of the results. 
		* True means that the tag exists on this file.
		* @method hasTag
		* @param tag {String} The tag you are checking to see exists.
		* @return {Boolean} If the tag does exist on this file or not.
		* @public
		public hasTag(tag: string) {
			if (this._tags.indexOf(tag) == -1) {
				return false;
			return true;


		* -------------------
		* File Type
		* -------------------

		* A STATIC property that has the number associated with the IMAGE Datatype.
		* @property IMAGE
		* @type number
		* @static
		* @final
		* @default 0
		* @public
		public static IMAGE: number = 0;

		* A STATIC property that has the number associated with the SPRITE_SHEET Datatype.
		* @property SPRITE_SHEET
		* @type number
		* @static
		* @final
		* @default 1
		* @public
		public static SPRITE_SHEET: number = 1;

		* A STATIC property that has the number associated with the TEXTURE_ATLAS Datatype.
		* @property TEXTUREATLAS
		* @type number
		* @static
		* @final
		* @default 2
		* @public
		public static TEXTURE_ATLAS: number = 2;

		* A STATIC property that has the number associated with the AUDIO Datatype.
		* @property AUDIO
		* @type number
		* @static
		* @final
		* @default 3
		* @public
		public static AUDIO: number = 3;

		* A STATIC property that has the number associated with the JSON Datatype.
		* @property JSON
		* @type number
		* @static
		* @final
		* @default 4
		* @public
		public static JSON: number = 4;

		* A STATIC property that has the number associated with the XML Datatype.
		* @property XML
		* @type number
		* @static
		* @final
		* @default 5
		* @public
		public static XML: number = 5;

		* A STATIC property that has the number associated with the BINARY_DATA Datatype.
		* @property BINARY_DATA
		* @type number
		* @static
		* @final
		* @default 6
		* @public
		public static BINARY_DATA: number = 6;

		* A STATIC property that has the number associated with the TEXT_DATA Datatype.
		* @property TEXT_DATA
		* @type number
		* @static
		* @final
		* @default 7
		* @public
		public static TEXT_DATA: number = 7;

		* @property UNKNOWN
		* @type number
		* @static
		* @final 
		* @default 8
		* @public
		public static UNKNOWN: number = 8;

		* An indication of if this file is texture. This is READ ONLY.
		* @property isTexture
		* @type boolean
		* @readOnly
		* @public
		public get isTexture(): boolean {
			return (Kiwi.Files.TextureFile.prototype.objType.call(this) === this.objType());

		* An indication of if this file is a piece of audio. This is READ ONLY.
		* @property isAudio
		* @type boolean
		* @readOnly
		* @public
		public get isAudio(): boolean {
			return (Kiwi.Files.AudioFile.prototype.objType.call(this) === this.objType());

		* An indication of if this file is data. This is READ ONLY.
		* @property isData
		* @type boolean
		* @readOnly
		* @public
		public get isData(): boolean {
			return (Kiwi.Files.DataFile.prototype.objType.call(this) === this.objType());

		* ------------------
		* Clean Up
		* ------------------

		* Destroys all external object references on this object.
		* @method destroy
		* @since 1.2.0
		* @public
		public destroy() {
			if (this.fileStore) {


			delete this.fileStore;
			delete this._xhr;
			delete this.data;
			delete this.buffer;
			delete this.game;
			delete this.error;
			delete this.headCompleteCallback;
			delete this.headCompleteContext;
			delete this.onComplete;
			delete this.onProgress;
			delete this.ownerState;


		* ------------------
		* Deprecated
		* ------------------

		* The name of the file being loaded.
		* @property fileName
		* @type String
		* @deprecated Use `name`. Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public get fileName(): string {
			return this.name;
		public set fileName(val:string) {
			this.name = val;

		* The location of where the file is placed without the file itself (So without the files name).
		* Example: If the file you are load is located at 'images/awesomeImage.png' then the filepath will be 'images/'
		* @property filePath
		* @type String
		* @deprecated Use `path`. Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public get filePath(): string {
			return this.path;
		public set filePath(val: string) {
			this.path = val;

		* The location of where the file is placed without the file itself (So without the files name).
		* Example: If the file you are load is located at 'images/awesomeImage.png' then the filepath will be 'images/'
		* @property filePath
		* @type String
		* @deprecated Use `extension`. Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public get fileExtension(): string {
			return this.extension;
		public set fileExtension(val: string) {
			this.extension = val;

		* The full filepath including the file itself.
		* @property fileURL
		* @type String
		* @deprecated Use `URL`. Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public get fileURL(): string {
			return this.URL;
		public set fileURL(val: string) {
			this.URL = val;

		* The type of file that is being loaded.
		* Is only ever given a value when used with the XHR method of loading OR if you use 'getFileDetails' before hand.
		* The value is based off of the 'Content-Type' of the XHR's response header returns.
		* @property fileType
		* @type String
		* @deprecated Use `type`. Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public get fileType():string {
			return this.type;
		public set fileType(val: string) {
			this.type = val;

		* The size of the file that was/is being loaded. 
		* Only has a value when the file was loaded by the XHR method OR you request the file information before hand using 'getFileDetails'.
		* @property fileSize
		* @type Number
		* @deprecated Use `size`. Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public get fileSize(): number {
			return this.size;
		public set fileSize(val: number) {
			this.size = val;

		* A method that is to be executed when this file has finished loading. 
		* @property onCompleteCallback
		* @type Any
		* @default null
		* @deprecated Use `onComplete`. Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		//public onCompleteCallback: any = null;

		* A method that is to be executed while this file is loading.
		* @property onProgressCallback
		* @type Any
		* @default null
		* @deprecated Use `onProgress`. Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		//public onProgressCallback: any = null;

		* The status of this file that is being loaded. 
		* Only used/has a value when the file was/is being loaded by the XHR method.
		* @property status
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @deprecated Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public status: number = 0;

		* The status piece of text that the XHR returns.
		* @property statusText
		* @type String
		* @default ''
		* @deprecated Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public statusText: string = '';

		* The ready state of the XHR loader whilst loading.
		* @property readyState
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @deprecated Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public readyState: number = 0;

		* If this file has timeout when it was loading. 
		* @property hasTimedOut
		* @type boolean
		* @default false
		* @deprecated Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public hasTimedOut: boolean = false;

		* If the file timed out or not.
		* @property timedOut
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @deprecated Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public timedOut: number = 0;

		* The response that is given by the XHR loader when loading is complete.
		* @property buffer
		* @type Any
		* @deprecated Use 'data' instead. Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @public
		public buffer: any;

		* Attempts to make the file send a XHR HEAD request to get information about the file that is going to be downloaded.
		* This is particularly useful when you are wanting to check how large a file is before loading all of the content. 
		* @method getFileDetails
		* @param [callback=null] {Any} The callback to send this FileInfo object to.
		* @param [maxLoadAttempts=1] {number} The maximum amount of load attempts. Only set this if it is different from the default.
		* @param [timeout=this.timeOutDelay] {number} The timeout delay. By default this is the same as the timeout delay property set on this file.
		* @deprecated Use 'loadDetails' instead. Deprecated as of 1.2.0
		* @private
		public getFileDetails(callback: any = null, maxLoadAttempts?: number, timeout: number = null) {
			if (timeout) this.timeOutDelay = timeout;

			this.loadDetails(callback, null);

