API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\geom\Intersect.ts

* @module Kiwi
* @submodule Geom

module Kiwi.Geom {

	* Contains a collection of STATIC methods for determining intersections between geometric objects.
	* May methods contained here store the results of the intersections in a 'IntersectResult' Object, 
	* which is either created for you (by the methods which require it) OR you can pass one to use instead. 
	* If you are using the Intersect methods a lot, you may want to consider
	* creating a IntersectResult class a reusing it (by passing it to the methods on the Intersect class)
	* instead of having new IntersectResults created.
	* @class Intersect
	* @namespace Kiwi.Geom
	* @static
	export class Intersect {

		* The type of this object.
		* @method objType
		* @return {String} "Intersect"
		* @public
		public objType() {
			return "Intersect";

		* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		* Distance
		* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		* Returns the distance between two sets of coordinates that you specify. 
		* @method distance
		* @param x1 {Number} The x position of the first coordinate.
		* @param y1 {Number} The y position of the first coordinate.
		* @param x2 {Number} The x position of the second coordinate.
		* @param y2 {Number} The y position of the second coordinate.
		* @return {Number} The distance between the two points.
		* @public
		* @static
		static distance(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number) {
			return Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1));

		* Returns the distance squared between two sets of coordinates that you specify. 
		* @method distanceSquared
		* @param x1 {Number} The x position of the first coordinate.
		* @param y1 {Number} The y position of the first coordinate.
		* @param x2 {Number} The x position of the second coordinate.
		* @param y2 {Number} The y position of the second coordinate.
		* @return {Number} The distance between the two points squared.
		* @public
		* @static
		static distanceSquared(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number) {
			return (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1);

		* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
		* Lines
		* ---------------------------------------------------------------------

		* Check to see if any two Lines intersect at any point. 
		* Both lines are treated as if they extend infintely through space.
		* @method lineToLine
		* @param line1 {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The first line object to check.
		* @param line2 {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The second line object to check.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional
			IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is
			created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object
			containing the results of this intersection in x/y
		* @public
		* @static
		static lineToLine(line1: Line, line2: Line, output: IntersectResult =
			new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			var denom = (line1.x1 - line1.x2) * (line2.y1 - line2.y2) -
				(line1.y1 - line1.y2) * (line2.x1 - line2.x2);

			if ( denom !== 0 ) {
				output.result = true;
				output.x = ((line1.x1 * line1.y2 - line1.y1 * line1.x2) *
					(line2.x1 - line2.x2) - (line1.x1 - line1.x2) *
					(line2.x1 * line2.y2 - line2.y1 * line2.x2)) / denom;
				output.y = ((line1.x1 * line1.y2 - line1.y1 * line1.x2) *
					(line2.y1 - line2.y2) - (line1.y1 - line1.y2) *
					(line2.x1 * line2.y2 - line2.y1 * line2.x2)) / denom;

			return output;

		* Check to see if a Line and a Line Segment intersect at any point. 
		* Note: The first line passed is treated as if it extends infinitely
		* though space. The second is treated as if it only exists between
		* its two points.
		* @method lineToLineSegment
		* @param line1 {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The first line to check.
			This is the one that will extend through space infinately.
		* @param seg {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The second line to check.
			This is the one that will only exist between its two coordinates.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional
			IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is
			created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object
			containing the results of this intersection.
		* @public
		* @static
		static lineToLineSegment( line1: Line, seg: Line, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult ): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			var denom = ( line1.x1 - line1.x2 ) * ( seg.y1 - seg.y2 ) -
				( line1.y1 - line1.y2 ) * ( seg.x1 - seg.x2 );

			if ( denom !== 0 ) {
				output.x = ( ( line1.x1 * line1.y2 - line1.y1 * line1.x2 ) *
					( seg.x1 - seg.x2 ) - ( line1.x1 - line1.x2 ) *
					( seg.x1 * seg.y2 - seg.y1 * seg.x2 ) ) / denom;
				output.y = ( ( line1.x1 * line1.y2 - line1.y1 * line1.x2 ) *
					( seg.y1 - seg.y2 ) - (line1.y1 - line1.y2 ) *
					( seg.x1 * seg.y2 - seg.y1 * seg.x2 ) ) / denom;

				var maxX = Math.max( seg.x1, seg.x2 );
				var minX = Math.min( seg.x1, seg.x2 );
				var maxY = Math.max( seg.y1, seg.y2 );
				var minY = Math.min( seg.y1, seg.y2 );

				if ( ( output.x <= maxX && output.x >= minX ) === true &&
					( output.y <= maxY && output.y >= minY ) === true ) {
					output.result = true;


			return output;

		* Checks to see if a Line that is passed, intersects at any point with a Line that is made by passing a set of coordinates to this method. 
		* Note: The first line will extend infinately through space. 
		* And the second line will only exist between the two points passed.
		* @method lineToRawSegment
		* @param line {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The line object that extends infinitely through space.
		* @param x1 {number} The x coordinate of the first point in the second line.
		* @param y1 {number} The y coordinate of the first point in the second line.
		* @param x2 {number} The x coordinate of the second point in the second line.
		* @param y2 {number} The y coordinate of the second point in the second line.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection in x/y
		* @static
		* @public
		static lineToRawSegment(line: Line, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			var denom = (line.x1 - line.x2) * (y1 - y2) - (line.y1 - line.y2) * (x1 - x2);

			if (denom !== 0) {
				output.x = ((line.x1 * line.y2 - line.y1 * line.x2) * (x1 - x2) - (line.x1 - line.x2) * (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2)) / denom;
				output.y = ((line.x1 * line.y2 - line.y1 * line.x2) * (y1 - y2) - (line.y1 - line.y2) * (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2)) / denom;

				var maxX = Math.max(x1, x2);
				var minX = Math.min(x1, x2);
				var maxY = Math.max(y1, y2);
				var minY = Math.min(y1, y2);

				if ( output.x <= maxX && output.x >= minX &&
						output.y <= maxY && output.y >= minY ) {
					output.result = true;


			return output;


		* Checks to see if a Line that is passed intersects with a Line that is made by passing a set of coordinates to this method. 
		* Note: The lines will only exist between the two points passed.
		* @method lineSegmentToRawSegment
		* @param line {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The line object that extends infinitely through space.
		* @param x1 {number} The x coordinate of the first point in the second line.
		* @param y1 {number} The y coordinate of the first point in the second line.
		* @param x2 {number} The x coordinate of the second point in the second line.
		* @param y2 {number} The y coordinate of the second point in the second line.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection in x/y
		* @static
		* @public
		static lineSegmentToRawSegment(line: Line, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			// Determine whether the line intersects the raw segment
			output = Intersect.lineToRawSegment( line, x1, y1, x2, y2, output );

			// Determine whether the intersection point is within the line segment
			var maxX = Math.max( line.x1, line.x2 );
			var minX = Math.min( line.x1, line.x2 );
			var maxY = Math.max( line.y1, line.y2 );
			var minY = Math.min( line.y1, line.y2 );

			if ( output.x <= maxX && output.x >= minX && output.y <= maxY && output.y >= minY ) {
				return output;

			// Intersection point isn't within the line segment
			output.result = false;

			return output;


		* Checks to see if a Line and Ray object intersects at any point. 
		* Note: The line in this case extends infinately through space. 
		* @method lineToRay
		* @param line1 {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The Line object that extends infinatly through space.
		* @param ray {Kiwi.Geom.Ray} The Ray object that you want to check it against.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection in x/y
		* @public
		* @static
		static lineToRay(line1: Line, ray: Ray, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			var denom = (line1.x1 - line1.x2) * (ray.y1 - ray.y2) - (line1.y1 - line1.y2) * (ray.x1 - ray.x2);

			if (denom !== 0)
				output.x = ((line1.x1 * line1.y2 - line1.y1 * line1.x2) * (ray.x1 - ray.x2) - (line1.x1 - line1.x2) * (ray.x1 * ray.y2 - ray.y1 * ray.x2)) / denom;
				output.y = ((line1.x1 * line1.y2 - line1.y1 * line1.x2) * (ray.y1 - ray.y2) - (line1.y1 - line1.y2) * (ray.x1 * ray.y2 - ray.y1 * ray.x2)) / denom;
				output.result = true; // true unless either of the 2 following conditions are met

				if (!(ray.x1 >= ray.x2) && output.x < ray.x1)
					output.result = false;

				if (!(ray.y1 >= ray.y2) && output.y < ray.y1)
					output.result = false;

			return output;


		* Checks to see if a Line and a Circle intersect at any point.
		* Note: The line passed is assumed to extend infinately through space. 
		* @method lineToCircle
		* @param line {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The Line object that you want to check it against.
		* @param circle {Kiwi.Geom.Circle} The Circle object to check.
		* @param [output] {IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection
		* @public
		* @static
		static lineToCircle(line: Line, circle: Circle, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			//  Get a perpendicular line running to the center of the circle
			if (line.perp(circle.x, circle.y).length <= circle.radius)
				output.result = true;

			return output;


		* Check if the Line intersects with each side of a Rectangle.
		* Note: The Line is assumned to extend infinately through space.
		* @method lineToRectangle
		* @param line {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The Line object to check
		* @param rectangle {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The Rectangle object to check
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection
		* @public
		* @static
		static lineToRectangle(line: any, rect: Rectangle, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			//  Top of the Rectangle vs the Line
			Intersect.lineToRawSegment(line, rect.x, rect.y, rect.right, rect.y, output);

			if (output.result === true)
				return output;

			//  Left of the Rectangle vs the Line
			Intersect.lineToRawSegment(line, rect.x, rect.y, rect.x, rect.bottom, output);

			if (output.result === true)
				return output;

			//  Bottom of the Rectangle vs the Line
			Intersect.lineToRawSegment(line, rect.x, rect.bottom, rect.right, rect.bottom, output);

			if (output.result === true)
				return output;

			//  Right of the Rectangle vs the Line
			Intersect.lineToRawSegment(line, rect.right, rect.y, rect.right, rect.bottom, output);

			return output;


		* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
		* Line Segment
		* ---------------------------------------------------------------------

		* Checks to see if two Line Segments intersect at any point in space. 
		* Note: Both lines are treated as if they only exist between their two
		* line coordinates.
		* @method lineSegmentToLineSegment
		* @param line1 {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The first line object to check.
		* @param line2 {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The second line object to check.
		* @param [output]{Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional
			IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in.
			One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object
			containing the results of this intersection in x/y.
		* @public
		* @static
		static lineSegmentToLineSegment(line1: Line, line2: Line, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			Intersect.lineToLineSegment( line1, line2, output );

			if ( output.result === true ) {
				if ( !( output.x >= Math.min( line1.x1, line1.x2 ) &&
						output.x <= Math.max( line1.x1, line1.x2 ) &&
						output.y >= Math.min( line1.y1, line1.y2 ) &&
						output.y <= Math.max( line1.y1, line1.y2 ) ) ) {
					output.result = false;

			return output;

		* Check if the Line Segment intersects with the Ray.
		* Note: The Line only exists between its two points.
		* @method lineSegmentToRay
		* @param line1 {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The Line object to check.
		* @param ray {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The Ray object to check.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection in x/y
		* @public
		* @static
		static lineSegmentToRay(line1: Line, ray: Ray, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			Intersect.lineToRay(line1, ray, output);

			if (output.result === true)
				if (!(output.x >= Math.min(line1.x1, line1.x2) && output.x <= Math.max(line1.x1, line1.x2)
					&& output.y >= Math.min(line1.y1, line1.y2) && output.y <= Math.max(line1.y1, line1.y2)))
					output.result = false;

			return output;


		* Check if the Line Segment intersects with the Circle.
		* Note the Line only exists between its point points.
		* @method lineSegmentToCircle
		* @param seg {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The Line object to check
		* @param circle {Kiwi.Geom.Circle} The Circle object to check
		* @param [ouput] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection in x/y
		* @public
		* @static
		static lineSegmentToCircle(seg: Line, circle: Circle, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			var perp = seg.perp(circle.x, circle.y);

			if ( perp.length <= circle.radius ) {
				//  Line intersects circle - check if segment does
				var maxX = Math.max(seg.x1, seg.x2);
				var minX = Math.min(seg.x1, seg.x2);
				var maxY = Math.max(seg.y1, seg.y2);
				var minY = Math.min(seg.y1, seg.y2);

				if ((perp.x2 <= maxX && perp.x2 >= minX) && (perp.y2 <= maxY && perp.y2 >= minY)) {
					output.result = true;
				} else {
					//  Worst case - segment doesn't traverse center, so no perpendicular connection.
					if ( Intersect.circleContainsPoint(
							circle, <Point> { x: seg.x1, y: seg.y1 } ).result ||
							circle, <Point> { x: seg.x2, y: seg.y2 } ).result ) {
						output.result = true;


			return output;

		* Check if the Line Segment intersects with any side of a Rectangle,
		* or is entirely within the Rectangle.
		* Note: The Line only exists between its two points.
		* @method lineSegmentToRectangle
		* @param seg {Kiwi.Geom.Line} The Line object to check.
		* @param rect {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The Rectangle object to check.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection in x/y.
		* @public
		* @static
		static lineSegmentToRectangle(seg: Line, rect: Rectangle, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			if ( rect.contains( seg.x1, seg.y1 ) && rect.contains( seg.x2, seg.y2 ) ) {

				// Rectangle completely encloses Line; report back line centroid
				output.x = ( seg.x1 + seg.x2 ) / 2;
				output.y = ( seg.y1 + seg.y2 ) / 2;
				output.result = true;
			} else {
				//  Top of the Rectangle vs the Line
				Intersect.lineSegmentToRawSegment(seg, rect.x, rect.y, rect.right, rect.y, output);

				if (output.result === true) {
					return output;

				//  Left of the Rectangle vs the Line
				Intersect.lineSegmentToRawSegment(seg, rect.x, rect.y, rect.x, rect.bottom, output);

				if (output.result === true) {
					return output;

				//  Bottom of the Rectangle vs the Line
				Intersect.lineSegmentToRawSegment(seg, rect.x, rect.bottom, rect.right, rect.bottom, output);

				if (output.result === true) {
					return output;

				//  Right of the Rectangle vs the Line
				Intersect.lineSegmentToRawSegment(seg, rect.right, rect.y, rect.right, rect.bottom, output);

			return output;


		* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		* Ray
		* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		* Check to see if a Ray intersects at any point with a Circle.
		* @method rayToCircle
		* @param ray {Kiwi.Geom.Ray} Ray object to check
		* @param circle {Kiwi.Geom.Circle} Circle object to check
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} Optional object
		*	to store the intersection values. Created if not supplied.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} Results of this intersection
		* @public
		* @static
		static rayToCircle( ray: Ray, circle: Circle, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult ): IntersectResult {

			var dx = circle.x - ray.x1,
				dy = circle.y - ray.y1;

			output.result = false;

			// Does the Ray begin within the Circle?
			if ( Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy ) <= circle.radius ) {
				output.result = true;
				return output;

			// Is the Ray aiming towards the Circle?
			if ( Math.abs( Kiwi.Utils.GameMath.nearestAngleBetween(
				ray.angle, Math.atan2( dy, dx ) ) ) >= Math.PI / 2 ) {
				return output;

			// Inefficient, but the quickest way to get Line functions on a Ray
			Intersect.lineToCircle( ray, circle, output );

			return output;

		* Check to see if a Ray intersects at any point with a Rectangle.
		* @method rayToRectangle
		* @param ray {Kiwi.Geom.Ray} The Ray object to check. 
		* @param rect {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The Rectangle to check.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection
		* @public
		* @static
		static rayToRectangle(ray: Ray, rect: Rectangle, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			//  Currently just finds first intersection - might not be closest to ray pt1
			Intersect.lineToRectangle(ray, rect, output);

			return output;


		* Check whether a Ray intersects a Line segment, returns the parametric value where the intersection occurs.
		* Note: The Line only exists between its two points.
		* @method rayToLineSegment
		* @static
		* @param rayx1 {Number} The origin point of the ray on the x axis.
		* @param rayy1 {Number} The origin point of the ray on the y axis.
		* @param rayx2 {Number} The direction of the ray on the x axis. 
		* @param rayy2 {Number} The direction of the ray on the y axis.
		* @param linex1 {Number} The x of the first point of the line segment.
		* @param liney1 {Number} The y of the first point of the line segment.
		* @param linex2 {Number} The x of the second point of the line segment.
		* @param liney2 {Number} The y of the second point of the line segment.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection stored in x
		* @public
		static rayToLineSegment(rayx1, rayy1, rayx2, rayy2, linex1, liney1, linex2, liney2, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			var r, s, d;

			// Check lines are not parallel
			if ((rayy2 - rayy1) / (rayx2 - rayx1) != (liney2 - liney1) / (linex2 - linex1))
				d = (((rayx2 - rayx1) * (liney2 - liney1)) - (rayy2 - rayy1) * (linex2 - linex1));

				if (d != 0)
					r = (((rayy1 - liney1) * (linex2 - linex1)) - (rayx1 - linex1) * (liney2 - liney1)) / d;
					s = (((rayy1 - liney1) * (rayx2 - rayx1)) - (rayx1 - linex1) * (rayy2 - rayy1)) / d;

					if (r >= 0)
						if (s >= 0 && s <= 1)
							output.result = true;
							output.x = rayx1 + r * (rayx2 - rayx1), rayy1 + r * (rayy2 - rayy1);

			return output;


		* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		* Circle
		* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		* Check if the two given Circle objects intersect at any point.
		* @method circleToCircle
		* @param circle1 {Kiwi.Geom.Circle} The first circle object to check.
		* @param circle2 {Kiwi.Geom.Circle} The second circle object to check.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection
		* @public
		* @static
		static circleToCircle(circle1: Circle, circle2: Circle, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			output.result = ((circle1.radius + circle2.radius) * (circle1.radius + circle2.radius)) >= Intersect.distanceSquared(circle1.x, circle1.y, circle2.x, circle2.y);

			return output;


		* Check if a Circle and a Rectangle intersect with each other at any point. 
		* @method circleToRectangle
		* @param circle {Kiwi.Geom.Circle} The circle object to check.
		* @param rect {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The Rectangle object to check.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection
		* @public
		* @static
		static circleToRectangle(circle: Circle, rect: Rectangle, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			var cornerDistX, cornerDistY,
				circleRelativeX, circleRelativeY,
				halfRectWidth, halfRectHeight,
				rectRangeX, rectRangeY;

			// If circle is not in the rect X range, it can't overlap.
			halfRectWidth = rect.width / 2;
			circleRelativeX = Math.abs( circle.x - rect.x - halfRectWidth );
			rectRangeX = circle.radius + halfRectWidth;

			if ( circleRelativeX > rectRangeX ) {
				output.result = false;
				return output;

			// If circle is not in the rect Y range, it can't overlap.
			halfRectHeight = rect.height / 2;
			circleRelativeY = Math.abs( circle.y - rect.y - halfRectHeight );
			rectRangeY = circle.radius + halfRectHeight;

			if ( circleRelativeY > rectRangeY ) {
				output.result = false;
				return output;

			// If circle centroid is within the rect, it overlaps.
			if ( circleRelativeX <= halfRectWidth ||
					circleRelativeY <= rect.height / 2 ) {
				output.result = true;
				return output;

			// Because relative coordinates are normalized, we can consider
			// a single ideal corner. If the circle centroid is within its
			// own radius of this ideal corner, it overlaps.
			cornerDistX = circleRelativeX - halfRectWidth;
			cornerDistY = circleRelativeY - halfRectHeight;
			output.result = cornerDistX * cornerDistX + cornerDistY * cornerDistY <=
					circle.radius * circle.radius;
			return output;

		* Check if the given Point is found within the given Circle.
		* @method circleContainsPoint
		* @param circle {Kiwi.Geom.Circle} The circle object to check
		* @param point {Kiwi.Geom.Point} The point object to check
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection
		* @public
		* @static
		static circleContainsPoint(circle: Circle, point: Point, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			output.result = circle.radius * circle.radius >= Intersect.distanceSquared(circle.x, circle.y, point.x, point.y);

			return output;


		* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		* Rectangles
		* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		* Determines whether the specified point is contained within a given Rectangle object.
		* @method pointToRectangle
		* @param point {Kiwi.Geom.Point} The point object being checked.
		* @param rect {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The rectangle object being checked.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult}  An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection in x/y/result
		* @public
		* @static
		static pointToRectangle(point: Point, rect: Rectangle, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			output.setTo(point.x, point.y);

			output.result = rect.containsPoint(point);

			return output;


		* Check whether two axis aligned rectangles intersect. Return the intersecting rectangle dimensions if they do.
		* @method rectangleToRectangle
		* @param rect1 {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The first Rectangle object.
		* @param rect2 {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The second Rectangle object.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An optional IntersectResult object to store the intersection values in. One is created if none given.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.IntersectResult} An IntersectResult object containing the results of this intersection in x/y/width/height
		* @public
		* @static
		static rectangleToRectangle(rect1: Rectangle, rect2: Rectangle, output: IntersectResult = new IntersectResult): IntersectResult {

			output.result = false;

			var leftX = Math.max(rect1.x, rect2.x);
			var rightX = Math.min(rect1.right, rect2.right);
			var topY = Math.max(rect1.y, rect2.y);
			var bottomY = Math.min(rect1.bottom, rect2.bottom);

			output.setTo(leftX, topY, rightX - leftX, bottomY - topY, rightX - leftX, bottomY - topY);

			var cx = output.x + output.width * .5;
			var cy = output.y + output.height * .5;

			if ((cx > rect1.x && cx < rect1.right) && (cy > rect1.y && cy < rect1.bottom))
				output.result = true;

			return output;


