API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\geom\Rectangle.ts

* @module Kiwi
* @submodule Geom

module Kiwi.Geom {

	* An area defined by its position, as indicated by its top-left corner (x,y) and width and height
	* @class Rectangle
	* @namespace Kiwi.Geom
	* @constructor
	* @param [x=0] {Number} The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle.
	* @param [y=0] {Number} The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle.
	* @param [width=0] {Number} width The width of the rectangle in pixels.
	* @param [height=0] {Number} height The height of the rectangle in pixels.
	* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} This rectangle object
	export class Rectangle {

		* Creates a new Rectangle object with the top-left corner specified by the x and y parameters and with the specified width and height parameters. If you call this function without parameters, a rectangle with x, y, width, and height properties set to 0 is created.
		constructor (x: number = 0, y: number = 0, width: number = 0, height: number = 0) {

			this.setTo(x, y, width, height);


		* The type of this object.
		* @method objType
		* @return {String} "Rectangle"
		* @public
		public objType() {
			return "Rectangle";

		* The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle
		* @property x
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @public
		public x: number = 0;

		* The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle
		* @property y
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @public
		public y: number = 0;

		* The width of the rectangle in pixels
		* @property width
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @public
		public width: number = 0;

		* The height of the rectangle in pixels
		* @property height
		* @type Number
		* @default 0
		* @public
		public height: number = 0;

		* The sum of the y and height properties. 
		* Changing the bottom property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and width properties, 
		* but does change the height property.
		* @property bottom
		* @type Number
		* @public
		public set bottom(value: number) {

			if (value)
				if (value < this.y)
					this.height = 0;
					this.height = value;


		public get bottom(): number {

			return this.y + this.height;


		* Returns a Point containing the location of the center of the Rectangle, relative to the top left edge
		* @property center
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @readOnly 
		* @public
		public get center(): Point {

			var output: Point = new Point();
			return output.setTo(Math.round(this.width / 2), Math.round(this.height / 2));


		* Returns a Point containing the location of the Rectangle's bottom-right corner, determined by the values of the right and bottom properties.
		* @property bottomRight
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point 
		* @public
		public set bottomRight(value: Point) {
			if (value)
				this.right = value.x;
				this.bottom = value.y;


		public get bottomRight(): Point {

			var output: Point = new Point();
			return output.setTo(this.right, this.bottom);


		* The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. Changing the left property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the y and height properties. However it does affect the width property, whereas changing the x value does not affect the width property.
		* @property left
		* @type Number 
		* @public
		public set left(value: number) {

			if (value)
				var diff = this.x - value;

				if (this.width + diff < 0)
					this.width = 0;

					this.x = value;
					this.width += diff;

					this.x = value;


		public get left(): number {

			return this.x;


		* The sum of the x and width properties. Changing the right property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x, y and height properties. However it does affect the width property.
		* @property right
		* @type Number 
		* @public
		public set right(value: number) {

			if (value)
				if (value < this.x)
					this.width = 0;
					this.width = value - this.x;


		public get right(): number {

			return this.x + this.width;


		* The size of the Rectangle object, expressed as a Point object with the values of the width and height properties.
		* @property size
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @readOnly
		* @public
		public get size(): Point {

			var output: Point = new Point();
			return output.setTo(this.width, this.height);


		* The volume of the Rectangle object in pixels, derived from width * height
		* @property volume
		* @type Number
		* @readOnly 
		* @return
		public get volume(): number {

			return this.width * this.height;


		* The perimeter size of the Rectangle object in pixels. This is the sum of all 4 sides.
		* @property perimeter
		* @type Number
		* @readOnly 
		* @public
		public get perimeter(): number {

			return (this.width * 2) + (this.height * 2);


		* The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle. 
		* Changing the top property of a Rectangle object has no effect on the x and width properties.
		* However it does affect the height property, whereas changing the y value does not affect the height property.
		* @method top
		* @return {Number} 
		* @public
		public set top(value: number) {

			if (value)
				var diff = this.y - value;

				if (this.height + diff < 0)
					this.height = 0;

					this.y = value;
					this.height += diff;

					this.y = value;


		public get top(): number {

			return this.y;

		* The location of the Rectangle object's top-left corner, determined by the x and y coordinates of the point.
		* @property topLeft
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @public
		public set topLeft(value: Point) {

			if (value)
				this.x = value.x;
				this.y = value.y;


		public get topLeft(): Point {

			var output: Point = new Point();
			return output.setTo(this.x, this.y);


		* Returns a new Rectangle object with the same values for the x, y, width, and height properties as the original Rectangle object.
		* @method clone
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} Optional Rectangle object. If given the values will be set into the object, otherwise a brand new Rectangle object will be created and returned.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle}
		* @public
		public clone(output: Rectangle = new Rectangle): Rectangle {

			return output.setTo(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);


		* Determines whether the specified coordinates are contained within the region defined by this Rectangle object.
		* @method contains
		* @param {Number} x The x coordinate of the point to test.
		* @param {Number} y The y coordinate of the point to test.
		* @return {boolean} A value of true if the Rectangle object contains the specified point; otherwise false.
		* @public
		public contains(x: number, y: number): boolean {

			if (x >= this.x && x <= this.right && y >= this.y && y <= this.bottom)
				return true;

			return false;


		* Determines whether the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle object.
		* This method is similar to the Rectangle.contains() method, except that it takes a Point object as a parameter.
		* @method containsPoint
		* @param {Kiwi.Geom.Point} point The point object being checked. Can be Kiwi.Geom.Point or any object with .x and .y values.
		* @return {boolean} A value of true if the Rectangle object contains the specified point; otherwise false.
		* @public
		public containsPoint(point: Point): boolean {

			return this.contains(point.x, point.y);


		* Determines whether the Rectangle object specified by the rect parameter is contained within this Rectangle object. 
		* A Rectangle object is said to contain another if the second Rectangle object falls entirely within the boundaries of the first.
		* @method containsRect
		* @param rect {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The rectangle object being checked.
		* @return {boolean} A value of true if the Rectangle object contains the specified point; otherwise false.
		* @public
		public containsRect(rect: Rectangle): boolean {

			//	If the given rect has a larger volume than this one then it can never contain it
			if (rect.volume > this.volume)
				return false;

			if (rect.x >= this.x && rect.y >= this.y && rect.right <= this.right && rect.bottom <= this.bottom)
				return true;

			return false;


		* Copies all of rectangle data from the source Rectangle object into the calling Rectangle object.
		* @method copyFrom
		* @param source {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The source rectangle object to copy from
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} This rectangle object
		* @public
		public copyFrom(source: Rectangle): Rectangle {

			return this.setTo(source.x, source.y, source.width, source.height);


		* Copies all the rectangle data from this Rectangle object into the destination Rectangle object.
		* Creates a new rectangle if one was not passed.
		* @method copyTo
		* @param [target] {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The destination rectangle object to copy in to. Creates a new rectangle if one is not passed.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The destination rectangle object
		* @public
		public copyTo(target: Rectangle = new Rectangle()): Rectangle {

			return target.copyFrom(this);


		* Determines whether the object specified in the toCompare parameter is equal to this Rectangle object.
		* This method compares the x, y, width, and height properties of an object against the same properties of this Rectangle object.
		* @method equals
		* @param  toCompare {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} toCompare The rectangle to compare to this Rectangle object.
		* @return {boolean} A value of true if the object has exactly the same values for the x, y, width, and height properties as this Rectangle object; otherwise false.
		* @public
		public equals(toCompare: Rectangle): boolean {

			if (this.x === toCompare.x && this.y === toCompare.y && this.width === toCompare.width && this.height === toCompare.height)
				return true;

			return false;


		* Increases the size of the Rectangle object by the specified amounts, in pixels.
		* The center point of the Rectangle object stays the same,
		* and its size increases to the left and right by the dx value,
		* and to the top and the bottom by the dy value.
		* @method inflate
		* @param dx {Number} dx The amount to be added to the left side of this Rectangle.
		* @param dy {Number} dy The amount to be added to the bottom side of this Rectangle.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} This Rectangle object.
		* @public
		public inflate(dx: number, dy: number): Rectangle {

			if (!isNaN(dx) && !isNaN(dy))
				this.x -= dx;
				this.width += 2 * dx;

				this.y -= dy;
				this.height += 2 * dy;

			return this;


		* Increases the size of the Rectangle object. This method is similar to the Rectangle.inflate() method except it takes a Point object as a parameter.
		* @method inflatePoint
		* @param point {Kiwi.Geom.Point} The x property of this Point object is used to increase the horizontal dimension of the Rectangle object. The y property is used to increase the vertical dimension of the Rectangle object.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} This Rectangle object.
		* @public
		public inflatePoint(point: Point): Rectangle {

			return this.inflate(point.x, point.y);


		* If the Rectangle object specified in the toIntersect parameter intersects with this Rectangle object,
		* returns the area of intersection as a Rectangle object.
		* If the rectangles do not intersect, this method returns an empty Rectangle object with its properties set to 0.
		* @method intersection
		* @param toIntersect {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The Rectangle object to compare against to see if it intersects with this Rectangle object.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} Optional Rectangle object. If given the intersection values will be set into this object, otherwise a brand new Rectangle object will be created and returned.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} A Rectangle object that equals the area of intersection. If the rectangles do not intersect, this method returns an empty Rectangle object; that is, a rectangle with its x, y, width, and height properties set to 0.
		* @public
		public intersection(toIntersect: Rectangle, output: Rectangle = new Rectangle): Rectangle {

			if (this.intersects(toIntersect) === true)
				output.x = Math.max(toIntersect.x, this.x);
				output.y = Math.max(toIntersect.y, this.y);
				output.width = Math.min(toIntersect.right, this.right) - output.x;
				output.height = Math.min(toIntersect.bottom, this.bottom) - output.y;

			return output;


		* Determines whether the object specified in the toIntersect parameter intersects with this Rectangle object. 
		* This method checks the x, y, width, and height properties of the specified Rectangle object to see if it intersects with this Rectangle object.
		* @method intersects
		* @param toIntersect {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} The Rectangle object to compare against to see if it intersects with this Rectangle object.
		* @return {boolean} A value of true if the specified object intersects with this Rectangle object; otherwise false.
		* @public
		public intersects(toIntersect: Rectangle): boolean {

			if (toIntersect.x > this.right - 1) {
				return false;

			if (toIntersect.right - 1 < this.x) {
				return false;

			if (toIntersect.bottom - 1 < this.y) {
				return false;

			if (toIntersect.y > this.bottom - 1) {
				return false;

			return true;


		* Checks for overlaps between this Rectangle and the given Rectangle. Returns an object with boolean values for each check.
		* @method overlap
		* @param rect {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} 
		* @return {Object} An object containing the overlapping details between the two Rectangles
		* @todo Move to an IntersectResult? Do not want to be generating all of these values each time this is called
		* @public
		public overlap(rect: Rectangle): any {

			var result = { top: false, bottom: false, left: false, right: false, contains: false, contained: false };
			var interRect: Rectangle = this.intersection(rect);

			if ( interRect.isEmpty ) return result;
			if ( this.containsRect(rect) ) result.contains = true;
			if ( rect.containsRect(this) ) result.contained = true;
			if ( this.top < rect.top ) result.top = true;
			if ( this.bottom > rect.bottom ) result.bottom = true;
			if ( this.left < rect.left ) result.left = true;
			if ( this.right > rect.right ) result.right = true;

			return result;


		* Determines whether or not this Rectangle object is empty.
		* @method isEmpty
		* @return {boolean} A value of true if the Rectangle object's width or height is less than or equal to 0; otherwise false.
		* @public
		public isEmpty(): boolean {

			if (this.width < 1 || this.height < 1)
				return true;

			return false;


		* Adjusts the location of the Rectangle object, as determined by its top-left corner, by the specified amounts.
		* @method offset
		* @param dx {Number} Moves the x value of the Rectangle object by this amount.
		* @param dy {Number} Moves the y value of the Rectangle object by this amount.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} This Rectangle object.
		* @public
		public offset(dx: number, dy: number): Rectangle {

			if (!isNaN(dx) && !isNaN(dy))
				this.x += dx;
				this.y += dy;

			return this;


		* Adjusts the location of the Rectangle object using a Point object as a parameter. 
		* This method is similar to the Rectangle.offset() method, except that it takes a Point object as a parameter.
		* @method offsetPoint
		* @param point {Kiwi.Geom.Point} A Point object to use to offset this Rectangle object.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} This Rectangle object.
		* @public
		public offsetPoint(point: Point): Rectangle {

			return this.offset(point.x, point.y);


		* Sets all of the Rectangle object's properties to 0. 
		* A Rectangle object is empty if its width or height is less than or equal to 0.
		* @method setEmpty
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} This rectangle object
		* @public
		public setEmpty() {

			return this.setTo(0, 0, 0, 0);


		* Sets the properties of Rectangle to the specified values.
		* @method setTo
		* @param x {Number} x The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle.
		* @param y {Number} y The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle.
		* @param width {Number} width The width of the rectangle in pixels.
		* @param height {Number} height The height of the rectangle in pixels.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} This rectangle object
		* @public
		public setTo(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): Rectangle {

			if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y) && !isNaN(width) && !isNaN(height))
				this.x = x;
				this.y = y;

				if (width >= 0)
					this.width = width;

				if (height >= 0)
					this.height = height;

			return this;


		* Adds two rectangles together to create a new Rectangle object, by filling in the horizontal and vertical space between the two rectangles.
		* @method union
		* @param toUnion {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} toUnion A Rectangle object to add to this Rectangle object.
		* @param [output] {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} output Optional Rectangle object. If given the new values will be set into this object, otherwise a new Rectangle object will be created.
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle} A Rectangle object that is the union of the two rectangles.
		* @public
		public union(toUnion: Rectangle, output: Rectangle = new Rectangle): Rectangle {

			return output.setTo(
					Math.min(toUnion.x, this.x),
					Math.min(toUnion.y, this.y),
					Math.max(toUnion.right, this.right),
					Math.max(toUnion.bottom, this.bottom)


		* Scales this Rectangle by values passed. 
		* @method scale
		* @param x {number}
		* @param y {number}
		* @param translation {Kiwi.Geom.Point}
		* @return {Kiwi.Geom.Rectangle}
		* @public
		public scale(x:number,y:number,translation:Kiwi.Geom.Point): Rectangle {

			var trans: Kiwi.Geom.Transform = new Kiwi.Geom.Transform;
			trans.scaleX = x;
			trans.scaleY = y;
			trans.x = translation.x;
			trans.y = translation.y;
			var tl: Kiwi.Geom.Point = this.topLeft;
			this.topLeft = tl;

			this.width *= x;
			this.height *= y;

			return this;

		* Returns a string representation of this object.
		* @method toString
		* @return {String} a string representation of the instance.
		public toString(): string {

			return "[{Rectangle (x=" + this.x + " y=" + this.y + " width=" + this.width + " height=" + this.height + " isEmpty=" + this.isEmpty() + ")}]";


