API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\hud\HUDWidget.ts

* @module Kiwi
* @submodule HUD

module Kiwi.HUD {

	* The HUDWidget is an abstract class containing the fundamental properties and methods that every HUDWidget needs to have.
	* This class is designed to be extended from and thus objects should not directly instantiate it.
	* @class HUDWidget
	* @namespace Kiwi.HUD
	* @constructor
	* @param game {Kiwi.Game}  The game that this HUDWidget belongs to.
	* @param name {string} Name of the type of HUDWidget.
	* @param x {number} The coordinates of this HUDWidget on the x-axis.
	* @param y {number} The coordinates of this HUDWidget on the y-axis.
	* @return {Kiwi.HUD.HUDWidget}
	export class HUDWidget {

		constructor(game:Kiwi.Game,name: string,x:number,y:number) {
			this.name = name;
			this.game = game;
			this._manager = this.game.huds;
			this._device = this.game.deviceTargetOption;
			this.components = new Kiwi.ComponentManager(Kiwi.HUD_WIDGET, this);

			if (this._manager.supported) {

				if(this._device === Kiwi.TARGET_BROWSER) {
					this.container = <HTMLDivElement>document.createElement("div");
					this.container.id = 'HUD-widget-' + this.game.rnd.uuid();
					this.container.className = 'HUD-widget';
					this.container.style.position = "absolute";
				this.onCoordsUpdate = new Kiwi.Signal();
				this.x = x;
				this.y = y;

		* Returns the type of object that this is.
		* @method objType
		* @return {String} "HUDWidget"
		* @public
		public objType(): string {
			return 'HUDWidget';

		* The HUDManager that this widget 'belongs' to.
		* This is mainly indented for INTERNAL Kiwi use only and is public so that sub classes can have a reference to it.
		* @property _manager
		* @type Kiwi.HUD.HUDManager
		* @protected
		public _manager: Kiwi.HUD.HUDManager;

		* The type of device that this game is being targeted at. Same as the deviceTargetOption on the game class.
		* Used to detirmine how the HUD is to be managed behind the scenes.
		* This is mainly indented for INTERNAL Kiwi use only and is public so that sub classes can have a reference to it.
		* @property _device
		* @type _device
		* @protected
		public _device: number;

		* The game that this HUDWidget belongs to.
		* @property game
		* @type Kiwi.Game
		* @public
		public game: Kiwi.Game;

		* A quick way to reference the style object that exists on the container element of this widget.
		* @property style
		* @type any
		* @public
		public get style():any {
			if (this._device === Kiwi.TARGET_BROWSER) {
				return this.container.style;
		public set style(val: any) {
			if (this._device === Kiwi.TARGET_BROWSER) {
				this.container.style = val;

		* Called when the coordinates of the HUD Widget updates.
		* @property onCoordsUpdate
		* @type Kiwi.Signal
		* @public
		public onCoordsUpdate: Kiwi.Signal;

		* The x coordinate of the widget
		* @property _x
		* @type number
		* @private
		private _x: number;

		* Get the x coordinate of the widget
		* @property x
		* @type number
		* @public
		public get x():number {
			return this._x;
		public set x(value: number) {
			if (this._manager.supported) {
				this._x = value;
				if(this._device == Kiwi.TARGET_BROWSER) 
                    this.container.style[this._horizontalOrigin] = this.x + "px";
				this.onCoordsUpdate.dispatch(this.x, this.y);

		* The y coordinate of the widget
		* @property _y
		* @type number
		* @private
		private _y: number;

		* Get the y coordinate of the widget
		* @property y
		* @type number
		* @public
		public get y(): number {
			return this._y;
		public set y(value: number) {
			if (this._manager.supported) {
				this._y = value;
				if(this._device == Kiwi.TARGET_BROWSER)
                    this.container.style[this._verticalOrigin] = this.y + "px";

				this.onCoordsUpdate.dispatch(this.x, this.y);

		* The list of components that the HUDWidget use's.
		* @property components
		* @type Kiwi.ComponentManager
		* @public
		public components: Kiwi.ComponentManager;

		* The HTMLDivElement that this widget is using.
		* @property
		* @type HTMLDivElement
		* @public
		public container: HTMLDivElement;

		* The name of the widget which is used to identify the type of widget.
		* @property
		* @type string
		* @public
		public name: string;

		* When a template has been set, this property will have a reference to the HTMLElement we can place the HUDWidget information into.
		* Currently doesn't have that great support.
		* @property tempElement
		* @type HTMLElement
		* @public
		public tempElement: HTMLElement;

		* The parent of the template container. So that when removing a template we can place it in the right spot
		* Currently doesn't have that great support.
		* @property _tempParent
		* @type HTMLElement
		* @private
		private _tempParent: HTMLElement;

		* The container element for the template
		* Currently doesn't have that great support.
		* @property _tempContainer
		* @type HTMLElement
		* @private
		private _tempContainer: HTMLElement; 

		* This method is used to remove existing DOM elements and place them inside a HUDWidget's container element.
		* Useful so that when making HUD Widgets the developer can style HUDWidgets without having to create/write to much javascript.
		* Can be used by itself but maybe more useful if you customise it to suit your own needs. 
		* Currently doesn't have that great support.
		* @method setTemplate
		* @param main {string} main - ID of an HTMLElement. This element should contain all of the elements you would like to place inside the HUDWidget. 
		* @param [element] {string} element - ID of an HTMLElement that resides inside of the main param. This is the element that the HUDWidget can use to populate with information. E.g. Your score, health remaining, the icon, e.t.c.
		* @public
		public setTemplate(main: string, element?: string, ...paramsArr: any[]) {

			if (this._device == Kiwi.TARGET_BROWSER) {
				var containerElement: HTMLElement = document.getElementById(main);
				if (containerElement === undefined) {

				if (element === undefined) {
					var fieldElement = containerElement;
				} else {
					var fieldElement: HTMLElement = document.getElementById(element);
					if (fieldElement === undefined || containerElement.contains(fieldElement) === false) {
				this.tempElement = fieldElement;
				this._tempContainer = containerElement;
				this._tempParent = containerElement.parentElement;


		* Used to remove any the template HTML from this HUDWidget.
		* Currently doesn't have that great support.
		* @method removeTemplate
		* @public
		public removeTemplate() {
			if (this._device == Kiwi.TARGET_BROWSER) {
				if (this.tempElement !== undefined) {
					this.tempElement = null;
					this._tempParent = null;
					this._tempContainer = null;

		* The class name/s that the container element that this HUDWidget current has.
		* @property class
		* @type {String} 
		* @public
		public set class(cssClass: string) {
			if (this._device == Kiwi.TARGET_BROWSER) {
				this.container.className = cssClass;
		public get class(): string {
			if (this._device == Kiwi.TARGET_BROWSER) {
				return this.container.className;

		* The game update loop.
		* @method update
		* @public
		public update() {

        * Contains the current CSS style that will used for the x position.
        * Should either be `LEFT` or `RIGHT` but these values are not checked upon assignment.
        * @property _horizontalOrigin
        * @type string
        * @default 'left'
        * @since 1.3.0
        * @protected 
        protected  _horizontalOrigin: string = HUDWidget.LEFT;
        * Contains the current CSS style that will used for the x position.
        * Should either be `LEFT` or `RIGHT` but these values are not checked upon assignment.
        * @property horizontalOrigin
        * @type string
        * @default 'left'
        * @since 1.3.0
        * @public
        public get horizontalOrigin(): string {
            return this._horizontalOrigin;

        public set horizontalOrigin(val: string) {
            //Reset the current
            this.container.style[this._horizontalOrigin] = 'auto';

            //Set the new value
            this._horizontalOrigin = val;
            this.container.style[this._horizontalOrigin] = this.x + 'px';

        * Contains the current CSS style that will used for the y position.
        * Should either be `TOP` or `BOTTOM` but these values are not checked upon assignment.
        * @property _verticalOrigin
        * @type string
        * @default 'top'
        * @since 1.3.0
        * @protected 
        protected _verticalOrigin: string = HUDWidget.TOP;
        * Contains the current CSS style that will used for the y position.
        * Should either be `TOP` or `BOTTOM` but these values are not checked upon assignment.
        * @property vertical
        * @type string
        * @default 'top'
        * @since 1.3.0
        * @public
        public get verticalOrigin(): string {
            return this._verticalOrigin;

        public set verticalOrigin(val: string) {
            //Reset the current
            this.container.style[this._verticalOrigin] = 'auto';

            //Set the new value
            this._verticalOrigin = val;
            this.container.style[this._verticalOrigin] = this.y + 'px';

        * Contains the CSS style used to position a HUD element from the top corner.
        * @property TOP
        * @type string
        * @default 'top'
        * @since 1.3.0
        * @static
        * @readOnly
        * @final
        * @public
        public static TOP: string = 'top';
        * Contains the CSS style used to position a HUD element from the bottom corner.
        * @property BOTTOM
        * @type string
        * @default 'bottom'
        * @since 1.3.0
        * @static
        * @readOnly
        * @final
        * @public
        public static BOTTOM: string = 'bottom';
        * Contains the CSS style used to position a HUD element from the left corner.
        * @property LEFT
        * @type string
        * @default 'left'
        * @since 1.3.0
        * @static
        * @readOnly
        * @final
        * @public
        public static LEFT: string = 'left';
        * Contains the CSS style used to position a HUD element from the right corner.
        * @property RIGHT
        * @type string
        * @default 'right'
        * @since 1.3.0
        * @static
        * @readOnly
        * @final
        * @public
        public static RIGHT: string = 'right';

		* @method destroy
		* @public
		public destroy() {
			delete this.game;
			delete this._manager;
			delete this._device;
			if (this.onCoordsUpdate) this.onCoordsUpdate.dispose();
			delete this.onCoordsUpdate;
			//remove the elements....
