API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\hud\components\Time.ts

 * @module HUD
 * @submodule HUDComponents

module Kiwi.HUD.HUDComponents {

	* A Component to manage and display a Time in a particular format.
	* The Time Component creates a new clock on the Time Manager and it uses that clock to keep track of the time.
	* When you create a new Time Component you can specify a format that you want the time to display in, which is a string based on keywords.
	* Current supported keywords for the format are:
	*  's' = 'seconds'
	*  'm' = 'minutes'
	*  'ms' = milliseconds'
	*  'ss' = 'seconds with leading zero'
	*  'mm' = 'minutes with leading zero'
	* @class Time
	* @extends Kiwi.Component
	* @namespace Kiwi.HUD.HUDComponents
	* @constructor
	* @param owner {any} The object that this component belongs to.
	* @param [format=''] {string} The format that the time is to be displayed in. Leave blank for the default time.
	* @return {Kiwi.HUD.HUDComponents.Counter}
	export class Time extends Kiwi.Component {

		constructor(owner:any, format:string='') {
			super(owner, "time"); 
			this.clock = this.game.time.addClock(name + '-clock', 1000);
			this.format = format;


		* The type of object that this is.
		* @method objType
		* @return {String} 'TimeComponent'
		* @public
		public objType(): string {
			return 'TimeComponent';

		* The clock that this component creates and uses to manage the current time.
		* @property clock
		* @type Kiwi.Time.Clock
		* @private
		public clock: Kiwi.Time.Clock;

		* Indicates whether or not the clock is currently running or not, and thus whether or not the time is playing or not.
		* @property isRunning
		* @type boolean
		* @public
		public get isRunning():boolean {
			return this.clock.isRunning();

		* Pauses the clock where is stands. Calls the pause method on the clock.
		* @method pause
		* @public
		public pause() {

		* Stops the clock and thus the time. Calls the stop method of the clock.
		* @method stop
		* @public
		public stop() {

		* Starts the clock and thus the time. 
		* @method start
		* @public
		public start() {
			this._timeBefore = this.clock.elapsed();

		* Resumes the clock and thus the time.
		* @method resume
		* @public
		public resume() {

		* The format that they want the time to be displayed.
		* @property _format
		* @type string
		* @private
		private _format: string;

		* The format that you want the time to be displayed in.
		* @property format
		* @type string
		* @public
		public set format(val: string) {
			this._format = val;
		public get format(): string {
			return this._format;

		* If the clock should 'count down' instead of up.
		* @property countDown
		* @type boolean
		* @default false
		* @public
		public countDown: boolean = false;

		* Used during the formatting stage of displaying the time.
		* @property _displayString
		* @type string
		* @private
		private _displayString: string = '';

		* The current time in seconds.
		* @property _currentTime
		* @type number
		* @private
		private _currentTime: number = 0;

		* The current time in seconds. This is READ ONLY.
		* @property currentTime
		* @type number
		* @public
		public get currentTime(): number {
			return this._currentTime;

		* The last time that the timer update. Used to calculate the time delta.
		* @property _timeBefore
		* @type number
		* @private
		private _timeBefore: number = 0;

		* Sets the current time of the timer.
		* @method setTime
		* @param milli {number} The number of milliseconds.
		* @param [sec=0] {number} The number of seconds to add.
		* @param [minutes=0] {number} The number of minutes to add.
		* @public
		public setTime(milli: number, sec: number= 0, minutes: number= 0) {
			this._currentTime = milli;
			if(sec != 0) this._currentTime += (sec * 1000);
			if(minutes != 0) this._currentTime += (minutes * 60 * 1000);

		* Increases the current time by the amount passed.
		* @method addTime
		* @param milli {number} The number of milliseconds.
		* @param [sec=0] {number} The number of seconds to add.
		* @param [minutes=0] {number} The number of minutes to add.
		* @public
		public addTime(milli:number, sec:number= 0,minutes:number= 0) {
			this._currentTime += milli;
			if(sec != 0) this._currentTime += (sec * 1000);
			if (minutes != 0) this._currentTime += (minutes * 60 * 1000);
		* Decreases the current time by the amount passed.
		* @method removeTime
		* @param milli {number} The number of milliseconds.
		* @param [sec=0] {number} The number of seconds to add.
		* @param [minutes=0] {number} The number of minutes to add.
		* @public
		public removeTime(milli: number, sec: number= 0, minutes: number= 0) {
			this._currentTime -= milli;
			if (sec != 0) this._currentTime -= (sec * 1000);
			if (minutes != 0) this._currentTime -= (minutes * 60 * 1000);

		* The speed at which the time will increase/decrease by. 
		* Modify this property to make the time count down slower/faster.
		* @property _speed
		* @type number
		* @default 1
		* @private
		public speed: number = 1;
		* Returns a string with the current time that this component is upto in the format that was passed.
		* @method updateTime
		* @return string
		* @public
		public getTime():string {
			if (this.countDown) {
				this._currentTime -= (this.clock.elapsed() - this._timeBefore) * this.speed;
			} else {
				this._currentTime += (this.clock.elapsed() - this._timeBefore) * this.speed;
			this._timeBefore = this.clock.elapsed();

			//format time
			if (this._format !== '') {
				this._displayString = this._format;

				if (this._displayString.indexOf('ms') !== -1) {
					var t = String(Math.floor(this._currentTime * 1000) % 1000);
					this._displayString = this._displayString.replace('ms', t);
				//seconds - leading
				if (this._displayString.indexOf('ss') != -1) {
					var t = String(Math.floor(this._currentTime) % 60);
					if (t.length < 2) t = '0' + t;
					this._displayString = this._displayString.replace('ss', t);
				//minutes - leading
				if (this._displayString.indexOf('mm') !== -1) {
					var t = String(Math.floor(this._currentTime / 60) % 60);
					if (t.length < 2) t = '0' + t;
					this._displayString = this._displayString.replace('mm', t);
				//minutes - no leading
				if (this._displayString.indexOf('s') != -1) {
					var t = String(Math.floor(this._currentTime) % 60);
					this._displayString = this._displayString.replace('s', t);
				//seconds - no leading
				if (this._displayString.indexOf('m') !== -1) {
					var t = String(Math.floor(this._currentTime / 60) % 60);
					this._displayString = this._displayString.replace('m', t);

				return this._displayString;
			} else {
				return String(this._currentTime.toFixed(2));

