API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\hud\widgets\Time.ts

* @module HUD
* @submodule Widget

module Kiwi.HUD.Widget {

	* A subclass of TextField which manages the displaying of a Time/Timer by creating a new clock on the Time Manager.
	* The time is managed by a Time Component which contains a format property that handles how the time should be formatted.
	* @class Time
	* @extends Kiwi.HUD.Widget.TextField
	* @namespace Kiwi.HUD.Widget
	* @constructor
	* @param game {Kiwi.Game} The game that this object belongs to.
	* @param format {string} The format that you want the time to be displayed in. Leave it empty to display as normal.
	* @param x {number} The position of this text on the field.
	* @param y {number} The position of this text on the field.
	* @return {Kiwi.HUD.Widget.Time}
	export class Time extends Kiwi.HUD.Widget.TextField {
		constructor(game:Kiwi.Game,format:string,x:number,y:number) {
			super(game, 'time', x, y);
			this.name = 'time';
			this.class = 'kiwi-time-widget kiwi-widget';
			this.time = this.components.add(new Kiwi.HUD.HUDComponents.Time(this, format) );

		* Holds the time component which manages the counting/formating of the time.
		* @property time
		* @type Kiwi.HUD.HUDComponents.Time
		* @public
		public time: Kiwi.HUD.HUDComponents.Time;

		* The type of object that this is.
		* @method objType
		* @return {String} 'TimeWidget'
		* @public
		public objType(): string {
			return 'TimeWidget';
		* Pauses the clock where is stands. Calls the pause method on the clock.
		* @method pause
		* @public
		public pause() {

		* Stops the clock and thus the time. Calls the stop method of the clock.
		* @method stop
		* @public
		public stop() {

		* Starts the clock and thus the time. 
		* @method start
		* @public
		public start() {

		* Resumes the clock and thus the time.
		* @method resume
		* @public
		public resume() {

		* The update loop.
		* @method update
		* @public
		public update() {

			//update the time
			if(this.time.isRunning) {
				this.text = this.time.getTime();

