API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\input\InputManager.ts

* Section that contains the code related to handling user interaction with a game. 
* @module Kiwi
* @submodule Input
* @main Input

module Kiwi.Input {

	* Handles the initialization and management of the various ways a user can interact with the device/game,
	* whether this is through a Keyboard and Mouse or by a Touch. Also contains some of the general callbacks that are 'global' between both Desktop and Mobile based devices.
	* @class InputManager
	* @constructor
	* @namespace Kiwi.Input
	* @param game {Kiwi.Game} The game that this object belongs to.
	* @return {Kiwi.Input.InputManager} This object.
	export class InputManager {

		constructor (game: Kiwi.Game) {
			this.game = game;


		* The type of object this is.
		* @method objType
		* @return {String} "InputManager"
		* @public
		public objType() {
			return "InputManager";

		* A Signal that dispatches a event when any Pointer is pressed from the game.
		* @property onDown
		* @type Signal
		* @public
		public onDown: Kiwi.Signal;

		* A Signal that dispatches a event when any Pointer is released from the game.
		* @property onUp
		* @type Signal
		* @public
		public onUp: Kiwi.Signal;

		* The game that this manager belongs to.
		* @property game
		* @type Game
		* @public
		public game: Kiwi.Game;

		* A reference to the mouse manager.
		* @property mouse
		* @type Mouse
		* @public
		public mouse:Kiwi.Input.Mouse;

		* The keyboard manager
		* @property keyboard
		* @type Keyboard
		* @public
		public keyboard:Kiwi.Input.Keyboard;

		* The touch manager.
		* @property touch
		* @type Touch
		* @public
		public touch:Kiwi.Input.Touch;

		* An array containing all of the pointers that are active on the stage.
		* @property _pointers
		* @type Array
		* @private
		private _pointers: Kiwi.Input.Pointer[];

		* Returns all of the pointers that can be used on the Input Manager. This is READ only.
		* @property pointers
		* @type Array
		* @public
		public get pointers(): Kiwi.Input.Pointer[] {
			return this._pointers;

		* This method is executed when the DOM has loaded and the manager is ready to load.
		* @method boot 
		* @public
		public boot() {
			this._pointers = [];

			this.mouse = new Kiwi.Input.Mouse(this.game);

			this.keyboard = new Kiwi.Input.Keyboard(this.game);

			this.touch = new Kiwi.Input.Touch(this.game);

			this.mouse.onDown.add(this._onDownEvent, this);
			this.mouse.onUp.add(this._onUpEvent, this);

			this.touch.touchDown.add(this._onDownEvent, this);
			this.touch.touchUp.add(this._onUpEvent, this);

			* Add the fingers/cursors to the list of 'pointers'
			this._pointers = this.touch.fingers.slice();

			this.isDown = false;
			this.position = new Kiwi.Geom.Point();
			this.onDown = new Kiwi.Signal();
			this.onUp = new Kiwi.Signal();

		* A private method that gets dispatched when either the mouse or touch manager dispatches a down event
		* @method _onDownEvent
		* @param x {Number} The x coordinate of the pointer
		* @param y {Number} The y coordinate of the pointer
		* @param timeDown {Number} The time that the pointer has been down for.
		* @param timeUp {Number} The Time that the pointer has been up form
		* @param duration {Number} 
		* @param pointer {Kiwi.Input.Pointer} The pointer that was used.
		* @private
		private _onDownEvent(x, y, timeDown, timeUp, duration, pointer) {
			this.onDown.dispatch(x, y, timeDown, timeUp, duration, pointer);

		* A private method that gets dispatched when either the mouse or touch manager dispatches a up event
		* @method _onUpEvent
		* @param x {Number} The x coordinate of the pointer
		* @param y {Number} The y coordinate of the pointer
		* @param timeDown {Number} The time that the pointer has been down for.
		* @param timeUp {Number} The Time that the pointer has been up form
		* @param duration {Number} 
		* @param pointer {Kiwi.Input.Pointer} The pointer that was used.
		* @private
		private _onUpEvent(x, y, timeDown, timeUp, duration, pointer) {
			this.onUp.dispatch(x, y, timeDown, timeUp, duration, pointer);

		* An alias for the onPress signal that goes straight to the onDown.
		* @property onPressed
		* @type Signal
		* @public
		public get onPressed(): Kiwi.Signal {
			return this.onDown;

		* An alias for the onRelease signal that goes straight to the onUp
		* @property onReleased
		* @type Signal
		* @public
		public get onReleased(): Kiwi.Signal {
			return this.onUp;

		* The update loop that gets executed every frame.
		* @method update 
		* @public
		public update() {

			if (this.touch.touchEnabled) {
				this.position.setTo(this.touch.x, this.touch.y);

			} else {
				this.position.setTo(this.mouse.x, this.mouse.y);


			this.isDown = this.mouse.isDown || this.touch.isDown;


		* Runs the reset method on the managers.
		* @method reset
		public reset() {


		* The position of the last pointer that was/is active on the stage.
		* @property position
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @public
		public position: Kiwi.Geom.Point;

		* If an input (either touch or the mouse cursor) is currently down. Not an accurate representation, should use the individual managers.
		* @property isDown
		* @type boolean
		* @public
		public isDown: boolean;
		* Populated x coordinate based on the most recent click/touch event
		* @property x
		* @type Number
		* @public
		public get x(): number {
			return this.position.x;


		* Populated y coordinate based on the most recent click/touch event
		* @property y
		* @type Number
		* @public
		public get y(): number {
			return this.position.y;


