API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\render\GLShaderManager.ts

* GLSL ES Shaders are used for WebGL rendering.
* ShaderPair objects encapsulate GLSL ES vertex and fragment shader programs. 
*   ShaderPairs contain the GLSL code, provide an interface to uniforms and attributes, and have the ability to link and compile the shaders.
* The ShaderManager keeps track of each ShaderPair, and controls which one is bound for use at any particular time.
*   Only the ShaderManager can create ShaderPairs. When a renderer (see note on renderes below) requests a ShaderPair the ShaderManager will either
*       1) Return a reference to an already instantiated ShaderPair, and set the GL state to use the shader program or
*       2) Return a reference to a new ShaderPair, which will be linked and compiled and bound for use.
*   All ShaderPairs must be housed as properties of the Kiwi.Shaders object. 
* Kiwi.Renderer objects use a ShaderPair to draw.
*   They must request a ShaderPair from the ShaderManager.
*   Many renderers may use the same ShaderPair.
*   Some renderers may at different times use multiple ShaderPairs (only one is possible at any given time)
* @module Kiwi
* @submodule Shaders 
* @main Shaders
* @namespace Kiwi.Shaders

module Kiwi.Shaders {

	* Manages all WebGL Shaders. Maintains a list of ShaderPairs 
	* Provides an interface for using a specific ShaderPair, adding new ShaderPairs, and requesting a reference to a ShaderPair instance.
	* Renderes use shaderPairs to draw. Multiple renderers may use the same compiled shader program.
	* This Manager ensures only one compiled instance of each program is created
	* @class ShaderManager
	* @extends IRenderer
	* @constructor
	* @return {Kiwi.Shaders.ShaderManager}
	export class ShaderManager {

		constructor() {}

		* An object containing a set of properties each of which references a ShaderPair. 
		* @property _shaderPairs
		* @type Object
		* @private
		private _shaderPairs: any = {};

		* The shader program that is currently set to be used useing gl.useProgram.
		* @property currentShader
		* @type Array
		* @private

		public get currentShader(): ShaderPair {
			return this._currentShader;
		private _currentShader: ShaderPair;

		* Sets up a default shaderPair.
		* @method init
		* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl
		* @param {String} defaultShaderID
		* @public
		public init(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, defaultShaderID: string) {
			this._currentShader = this.requestShader(gl, defaultShaderID);

		* Provides a reference to a ShaderPair. If the requested ShaderPair exists as a property on the _shaderPairs object it will be returned if already loaded,
		* otherwise it will be loaded, then returned.
		* If the request is not on the list, the Kiwi.Shaders object will  be checked for a property name that matches shaderID and a new ShaderPair
		* will be instantiated, loaded, and set for use.

		* @method requestShader
		* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl
		* @param {String} shaderID
		* @param {boolean} use
		* @return {Kiwi.Shaders.ShaderPair} a ShaderPair instance - null on fail
		* @public
		public requestShader(gl: WebGLRenderingContext,shaderID: string,use:boolean = true):ShaderPair {

			var shader: ShaderPair;
			//in list already?
			if (shaderID in this._shaderPairs) {
				shader = this._shaderPairs[shaderID];
				if (!shader.loaded) {
					this._loadShader(gl, shader);
					this._useShader(gl, shader);
				return shader;
			} else {
				//not in list, does it exist?
				if ( this.shaderExists(gl, shaderID) ) {
					shader = this._addShader(gl, shaderID);
					this._loadShader(gl, shader);
						this._useShader(gl, shader);
					return shader;
				} else {
					Kiwi.Log.log("Shader " + shaderID + " does not exist.", '#renderer', '#webgl');
			//unsuccessful request
			return null;

		* Tests to see if a ShaderPair property named ShaderID exists on Kiwi.Shaders. Can be used to test for the availability of specific shaders (for fallback)
		* @method shaderExists
		* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl
		* @param {String} shaderID
		* @return {Boolean} success
		* @public
		public shaderExists(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, shaderID: string):boolean {
			return shaderID in Kiwi.Shaders;

		* Creates a new instance of a ShaderPair and adds a reference to the _shaderPairs object
		* @method _addShader
		* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl
		* @param {String} shaderID
		* @return {Kiwi.Shaders.ShaderPair} 
		* @private
		private _addShader(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, shaderID: string):ShaderPair {
			this._shaderPairs[shaderID] = new Kiwi.Shaders[shaderID]();
			return this._shaderPairs[shaderID];

		* Tells a ShaderPair to load (compile and link)
		* @method _loadShader
		* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl
		* @param {Kiwi.Shaders.ShaderPair} shader
		* @private
		private _loadShader(gl: WebGLRenderingContext,shader:ShaderPair) {

		* Changes gl state so that the shaderProgram contined in a ShaderPir is bound for use
		* @method _useShader
		* @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl
		* @param {Kiwi.Shaders.ShaderPair} shader
		* @private
		private _useShader(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, shader: ShaderPair) {
			if (shader !== this._currentShader) {
				this._currentShader = shader;

