API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\render\renderers\TextureAtlasRenderer.ts

* @module Kiwi
* @submodule Renderers
* @namespace Kiwi.Renderers

module Kiwi.Renderers {

	export class TextureAtlasRenderer extends Renderer {

		* The Renderer object for rendering Texture Atlases
		* @class TextureAtlasRenderer
		* @constructor
		* @extends Kiwi.Renderers.Renderer
		* @namespace Kiwi.Renderers
		* @param gl {WebGLRenderingContext} 
		* @param shaderManager {Kiwi.Shaders.ShaderManager}
		* @param [params=null] {object}
		* @return {Kiwi.Renderers.TextureAtlasRenderer}
		constructor(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, shaderManager: Kiwi.Shaders.ShaderManager, params: any = null) {
			super(gl, shaderManager, true);
			var bufferItemSize = 5;
			this._vertexBuffer = new GLArrayBuffer(gl, bufferItemSize);
			var vertsPerQuad = 6;
			this._indexBuffer = new GLElementArrayBuffer(gl, 1, this._generateIndices(this._maxItems * vertsPerQuad));

			this.shaderPair = this.shaderManager.requestShader(gl, this._shaderPairName);

		* The identifier for this renderer.
		* @property RENDERER_ID
		* @type Array
		* @public
		* @static
		public static RENDERER_ID: string = "TextureAtlasRenderer";

		* The shaderPair that this renderer uses.
		* @property shaderPair
		* @type Kiwi.Shaders.TextureAtlasShade
		* @public
		public shaderPair: Kiwi.Shaders.TextureAtlasShader;

		* The reference to the shaderPair.
		* @property _shaderPairName
		* @type String
		* @private
		* @since 1.1.0
		private _shaderPairName: string = "TextureAtlasShader";

		* The maximum number of items that can be rendered by the renderer (not enforced)
		* @property _maxItems
		* @type number
		* @private
		private _maxItems: number = 1000;

		* The Vertex Buffer
		* @property _vertexBuffer
		* @type Kiwi.Renderers.GLArrayBuffer
		* @private
		private _vertexBuffer: GLArrayBuffer;

		* The Index Buffer
		* @property _indexBuffer
		* @type Kiwi.Renderers.GLElementArrayBuffer
		* @private
		private _indexBuffer: GLElementArrayBuffer;

		* Geometry point used in rendering.
		* @property _pt1
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @private
		private _pt1: Kiwi.Geom.Point = new Kiwi.Geom.Point( 0, 0 );

		* Geometry point used in rendering.
		* @property _pt2
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @private
		private _pt2: Kiwi.Geom.Point = new Kiwi.Geom.Point( 0, 0 );

		* Geometry point used in rendering.
		* @property _pt3
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @private
		private _pt3: Kiwi.Geom.Point = new Kiwi.Geom.Point( 0, 0 );

		* Geometry point used in rendering.
		* @property _pt4
		* @type Kiwi.Geom.Point
		* @private
		private _pt4: Kiwi.Geom.Point = new Kiwi.Geom.Point( 0, 0 );

		* Enables the renderer ready for drawing
		* @method enable
		* @param gl {WebGLRenderingContext}
		* @param [params=null] {object}
		* @public
		public enable(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, params: any = null) {

			//this.shaderPair = <Kiwi.Shaders.TextureAtlasShader>this.shaderManager.requestShader(gl, "TextureAtlasShader", true);
			this.shaderPair = this.shaderManager.requestShader(gl, this._shaderPairName, true);
			gl.uniform1i(this.shaderPair.uniforms.uSampler.location, 0);

			//Other uniforms
			gl.uniform2fv(this.shaderPair.uniforms.uResolution.location, params.stageResolution);
			gl.uniformMatrix3fv(this.shaderPair.uniforms.uCamMatrix.location, false, params.camMatrix);

		* Disables the renderer
		* @method disable
		* @param gl {WebGLRenderingContext}
		* @public
		public disable(gl: WebGLRenderingContext) {

		* Clears the vertex buffer.
		* @method clear
		* @param gl {WebGLRenderingContext}
		* @public
		public clear(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, params: any) {
			gl.uniformMatrix3fv(this.shaderPair.uniforms.uCamMatrix.location, false, params.camMatrix);

		* Makes a draw call, this is where things actually get rendered to the draw buffer (or a framebuffer).
		* @method draw
		* @param gl {WebGLRenderingContext}
		* @public
		public draw(gl: WebGLRenderingContext) {
			this._vertexBuffer.uploadBuffer(gl, this._vertexBuffer.items);

			gl.vertexAttribPointer(this.shaderPair.attributes.aXYUV, 4, gl.FLOAT, false, 20, 0);

			gl.vertexAttribPointer(this.shaderPair.attributes.aAlpha, 1, gl.FLOAT, false, 20, 16);

			gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._indexBuffer.buffer);
			gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, (this._vertexBuffer.items.length / 20) * 6, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);

		* Generates quad indices
		* @method _generateIndices
		* @param numQuads {number}
		* @private
		private _generateIndices(numQuads: number): number[] {

			var quads: number[] = new Array();
			for (var i = 0; i < numQuads; i++) {
				quads.push(i * 4 + 0, i * 4 + 1, i * 4 + 2, i * 4 + 0, i * 4 + 2, i * 4 + 3);
			return quads;

		* Updates the stage resolution uniforms
		* @method updateStageResolution
		* @param gl {WebGLRenderingContext}
		* @param res {Float32Array}
		* @public
		public updateStageResolution(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, res: Float32Array) {
			gl.uniform2fv(this.shaderPair.uniforms.uResolution.location, res);

		* Updates the texture size uniforms
		* @method updateTextureSize
		* @param gl {WebGLRenderingContext}
		* @param size {Float32Array}
		* @public
		public updateTextureSize(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, size: Float32Array) {
			gl.uniform2fv(this.shaderPair.uniforms.uTextureSize.location, size);

		* Sets shader pair by name
		* @method setShaderPair
		* @param shaderPair {String}
		* @public
		* @since 1.1.0
		public setShaderPair(shaderPair: string) {
			if(typeof shaderPair == "string")
				this._shaderPairName = shaderPair;

		* Collates all xy and uv coordinates into a buffer ready for upload to video memory
		* @method addToBatch
		* @param gl {WebGLRenderingContext}
		* @param entity {Kiwi.Entity}
		* @param camera {Camera}
		* @public
		public addToBatch(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, entity: Entity, camera: Kiwi.Camera) {

			// Skip if it's invisible due to zero alpha
			if( entity.alpha <= 0 ) {

			var t: Kiwi.Geom.Transform = entity.transform;
			var m: Kiwi.Geom.Matrix = t.getConcatenatedMatrix();

			var cell = entity.atlas.cells[ entity.cellIndex ];

			this._pt1.setTo( 0 - t.rotPointX, 0 - t.rotPointY );
			this._pt2.setTo( cell.w - t.rotPointX, 0 - t.rotPointY );
			this._pt3.setTo( cell.w - t.rotPointX, cell.h - t.rotPointY );
			this._pt4.setTo( 0 - t.rotPointX, cell.h - t.rotPointY );


				this._pt1.x, this._pt1.y, cell.x, cell.y, entity.alpha,
				this._pt2.x, this._pt2.y, cell.x + cell.w, cell.y, entity.alpha,
				this._pt3.x, this._pt3.y, cell.x + cell.w, cell.y + cell.h, entity.alpha,
				this._pt4.x, this._pt4.y, cell.x, cell.y + cell.h, entity.alpha

		* Adds an array of precalculated xyuv values to the item array
		* @method concatBatch
		* @param vertexItems {array}
		* @public
		public concatBatch(vertexItems: Array<number>) {
			this._vertexBuffer.items = this._vertexBuffer.items.concat(vertexItems);