API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\sound\AudioLibrary.ts

* @module Kiwi
* @submodule Sound

module Kiwi.Sound {

	* Holds a reference to all of the Audio Files (mp3, ogg, e.t.c) that are accessible on the State that this AudioLibrary is on.
	* @class AudioLibrary
	* @constructor
	* @namespace Kiwi.Sound
	* @param game {Kiwi.Game} The game that this audio library is a member of.
	* @return {Kiwi.Sound.AudioLibrary}
	export class AudioLibrary {

		constructor(game: Kiwi.Game) {

			this._game = game;
			this.audio = {};

		* The type of object that this is.
		* @method objType
		* @return {String} "AudioLibrary"
		* @public
		public objType(): string {
			return "AudioLibrary";

		* The game that the AudioLibrary belongs to.
		* @property _game
		* @type Kiwi.Game
		* @private
		private _game: Kiwi.Game;

		* Contains all of the audio files that are available.
		* @property audio
		* @type Object
		* @public
		public audio;

		* Resets the audio library.
		* @method clear
		* @public
		public clear() {
			for (var prop in this.audio) {
				delete this.audio[prop];

		* Rebuild the library from a fileStore. Clears the library and repopulates it.
		* @method rebuild
		* @param {Kiwi.Files.FileStore} fileStore
		* @param {Kiwi.State} state
		* @public
		public rebuild(fileStore:Kiwi.Files.FileStore,state:Kiwi.State) {
			Kiwi.Log.log("Kiwi.AudioLibrary: Rebuilding Audio Library.", '#audio', '#rebuild');

			var fileStoreKeys = fileStore.keys;
			for (var i = 0; i < fileStoreKeys.length; i++) {
				var file: Kiwi.Files.File = this._game.fileStore.getFile(fileStoreKeys[i]);
				if (file.isAudio) {
					Kiwi.Log.log("  Kiwi.AudioLibrary: Adding Audio: " + file.name, '#audio', '#added');

		* Adds a new audio file to the audio library.
		* @method add
		* @param {Kiwi.Files.File} audioFile
		* @public
		public add(audioFile: Kiwi.Files.File) {

			switch (audioFile.dataType) {
				case Kiwi.Files.File.AUDIO:
					this.audio[audioFile.key] = audioFile;
					//Audio file is of unknown type and was not added to audio library


