API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\system\Bootstrap.ts

* Kiwi - System
* @module Kiwi
* @submodule System
* @main System

module Kiwi.System {

	* DOM Boot and Ready functions (based on those used by jQuery)
	* @class Bootstrap
	* @namespace Kiwi.System
	export class Bootstrap {

		* @property _callback
		* @type Any
		* @private
		private _callback;

		* @property _domParent
		* @type String
		* @private
		private _domParent: string;

		* @property _createContainer
		* @type boolean
		* @private
		private _createContainer: boolean;

		* @property isReady
		* @type boolean
		* @public
		public isReady: boolean = false;
		* The parent div in which the layers and input live
		* @property container
		* @type HTMLDivElement
		* @public
		public container:HTMLDivElement = null;

		* This div sits on-top of all layers and captures user input
		* @property input
		* @type HTMLDivElement
		* @public

		public input: HTMLDivElement = null;

		* The type of object that this is.
		* @method objType
		* @return {String} "Bootstrap"
		* @public
		public objType() {
			return "Bootstrap";

		* Called at the start of the game to check to see if the DOM is ready before we do anything requiring it
		* @method boot
		* @param {String} domParent 
		* @param {Any} [callback=null]
		* @param {boolean} [createContainer=true]
		* @public
		public boot(domParent: string, callback: any = null, createContainer: boolean = true) {

			this._callback = callback;
			this._domParent = domParent;
			// if this is true a div will be created in browser
			this._createContainer = createContainer;

			// wait until DOM is loaded and call ready
			if (document.readyState === 'complete' || document.readyState === 'interactive')
				document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => this.ready(), false);
				window.addEventListener('load', () => this.ready(), false);


		* If the DOM is ready it fires our callback, otherwise sets a short timeout to try again
		* @method ready
		* @public
		public ready() {

			if (this.isReady === true)

			if (!document.body)
				window.setTimeout(() => this.ready(), 13);
				//document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => this.ready(), false);

				this.isReady = true;

				if (this._createContainer === true)
					//  No domParent was given so we create our own container for the game with a unique ID
					if (this._domParent === '')
						Kiwi.Log.log('  Kiwi.Game: No DOM parent specified. Appending the game to the body.', '#dom');
						this.container = <HTMLDivElement> document.createElement('div');
						this._setupContainer( 'KiwiGame' + Date.now().toString() );
						if ( document.querySelector(this._domParent) )
							Kiwi.Log.log("  Kiwi.Game: Game being created inside '" + this._domParent + "'.", '#dom');
							this.container = <HTMLDivElement> document.querySelector(this._domParent);
						else if (document.getElementById(this._domParent))
							Kiwi.Log.log("  Kiwi.Game: Game being created inside '" + this._domParent + "'.", '#dom');
							this.container = <HTMLDivElement> document.getElementById(this._domParent);
							Kiwi.Log.log("  Kiwi.Game: The element '" + this._domParent + "' could not be found. Appending the game to the body.", '#dom');
							this.container = <HTMLDivElement> document.createElement('div');


				if (this._callback !== null)


		* @method _setupContainer
		* @param {String} id
		* @private
		private _setupContainer(id: string = '') {

			if (id) {
				this.container.id = id;

			//Set the containers width/height of the default values.
			//If the user has change the constraints then the Stage will handle the update to the container.
			this.container.style.width = Kiwi.Stage.DEFAULT_WIDTH + 'px';
			this.container.style.height = Kiwi.Stage.DEFAULT_HEIGHT + 'px';

			this.container.style.position = 'relative';
			this.container.style.overflow = 'hidden';


