API Docs for: 1.4.0

File: src\textures\TextureAtlas.ts

* @module Kiwi
* @submodule Textures

module Kiwi.Textures {

	* A TextureAtlas is the base class that is created for each image that is loaded through Kiwi. Each TextureAtlas contains a name (the same as the key that the user chose when loading the image in),the HTMLImageElement that it is for and a number of cells.
	* @class TextureAtlas
	* @namespace Kiwi.Textures
	* @constructor
	* @param name {string} Name of the texture atlas. This is usually defined by the developer when loading the assets.
	* @param type {number} The type of texture atlas that this is. There are currently only three types.
	* @param cells {any} The cells that are within this image..
	* @param image {HTMLImageElement/HTMLCanvasElement} The image that the texture atlas is using.
	* @param [sequences] {Sequence[]} Any sequences of cells for this texture atlas. Used for animation.
	* @return {Kiwi.TextureAtlas}
	export class TextureAtlas {

		constructor(name: string, type:number, cells, image, sequences?: Kiwi.Animations.Sequence[]) {
			this.name = name;
			this.cells = cells || new Array();
			this.sequences = sequences || new Array();
			this.image = image;
			this._type = type;
		* The type of object that this texture atlas is.
		* @method objType
		* @return {string} "TextureAtlas"
		* @public
		public objType(): string {
			return "TextureAtlas";

		* The name of this texture atlas
		* @property name
		* @type string
		* @public
		public name: string;

		* Indicates that the image data has changed, and needs to be reuplaoded to the gpu in webGL mode.
		* @property dirty
		* @type boolean
		* @public
		public dirty: boolean = false;
		* The image that this texture atlas is holding. Can be an HTMLImageElement or a HTMLCanvasElement
		* @property image
		* @type HTMLImageElement/HTMLCanvasElement
		* @public
		public image;
		* The cells for this image.
		* @property cells
		* @type Array
		* @public
		public cells;
		* An array of Sequences that are for this texture.
		* @property sequences
		* @type Array
		* @public
		public sequences: Kiwi.Animations.Sequence[];

		* The cell that is to be render at the start.
		* @property cellIndex
		* @type number
		* @default 0 
		* @public
		public cellIndex: number = 0;
		* The type of texture atlas that this is. This only ever is given a value when the object is instantated. 
		* @property _type
		* @type number
		* @private
		private _type: number;
		* The number that defines a single image type of texture atlas
		* @property SINGLE_IMAGE
		* @static
		* @default 0
		* @type number
		* @final
		* @public
		public static SINGLE_IMAGE: number = 0;
		* The number that defines a spritesheet type of texture atlas
		* @property SPRITE_SHEET
		* @static
		* @default 1
		* @type number
		* @final
		* @public
		public static SPRITE_SHEET: number = 1;

		* The number that defines a normal texture atlas
		* @property TEXTURE_ATLAS
		* @static
		* @default 2
		* @type number
		* @final
		* @public
		public static TEXTURE_ATLAS: number = 2;

		* Will return to you this type of texture atlas. This is READ ONLY.
		* @type number
		* @public
		public get type(): number {
			return this._type;

		public glTextureWrapper: Kiwi.Renderers.GLTextureWrapper;

		* Creates a GLTextureWrapper to allow the atlas to communicate efficiently with the video card. This is mostly an internal method.
		* If you are extending TextureAtlas to incorporate multiple textures, you will need to override this method.
		* @method createGLTextureWrapper
		* @param gl {WebGLRenderingContext} The rendering context.
		* @param textureManager {Kiwi.Renderers.GLTextureManager} The texture manager.
		* @public
		* @since 1.1.0
		public createGLTextureWrapper( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, textureManager: Kiwi.Renderers.GLTextureManager ) {
			// Create a default texture wrapper
			this.glTextureWrapper = new Kiwi.Renderers.GLTextureWrapper(gl, this);
			// If this were a multi-texture atlas, we would reassign wrapper values here

			// Register wrapper/s to texture manager
			textureManager.registerTextureWrapper( gl, this.glTextureWrapper );

		* Sends the texture to the video card.
		* @method enableGL
		* @param gl {WebGLRenderingContext}
		* @param renderer {Renderer}
		* @param textureManager {GLTextureManager}
		* @public
		* @since 1.1.0
		public enableGL( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, renderer: Kiwi.Renderers.Renderer, textureManager: Kiwi.Renderers.GLTextureManager ) {
			// Set resolution uniforms
			renderer.updateTextureSize(gl, new Float32Array([this.image.width, this.image.height]));
			// Upload texture
			textureManager.useTexture(gl, this.glTextureWrapper);
			// If necessary, refresh the texture
				this.refreshTextureGL( gl );

		* Will reload the texture into video memory for WebGL rendering.
		* @method refreshTextureGL
		* @param glContext {WebGLRenderingContext}
		* @public
		* @since 1.0.1
		public refreshTextureGL( glContext ) {
				this.glTextureWrapper.refreshTexture( glContext );
			// Clean dirty flag, even if glTextureWrapper failed, so we don't keep calling it
			this.dirty = false;


		* Will populate this texture atlas with information based on a JSON file that was passed.
		* @method readJSON
		* @param {any} atlasJSON
		* @public 
		public readJSON(atlasJSON) {
			//populate from json
			var obj = JSON.parse(atlasJSON);

			if(obj.name !== undefined) this.name = obj.name;
			for (var i = 0; i < obj.cells.length; i++) {

				if (obj.cells[i].hitboxes === undefined) {
					this.cells[i].hitboxes = new Array();
					this.cells[i].hitboxes.push({ x: 0, y: 0, w: this.cells[i].w, h: this.cells[i].h });


			if (obj.sequences) { // leave as empty array if no animations

				for(var i = 0; i < obj.sequences.length; i++) {
					var seq = new Kiwi.Animations.Sequence(obj.sequences[i].name, obj.sequences[i].cells);
					if (obj.sequences[i].speed !== undefined) seq.speed = obj.sequences[i].speed;
					if (obj.sequences[i].loop !== undefined)  seq.loop = obj.sequences[i].loop;



